S.1 E.7 ~ WFUB (Ch. 42)

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Survival and memory.

"Now, only if you could do that to our leader." I heard Murphy scoff towards the person that could save me from the depressing truth.

He's still a prick.

"Come on, Addy." Mack ordered his one and only.

Thirty Minutes Later

"Okay, I found the leak in the radiator hose. Taped it up a bit, but we're not going anywhere unless we get some water in there." I hear Doc sigh after his operation on the truck.

Negativity was surrounding all of us, that was clear to feel. Ever since Charlie passed it's been bad luck and bad vibes.

"I get thirsty."

A slosh of water was heard next, then Doc's statement, "We all get thirsty."

"I'll drive." 10K's words surprised me and probably all of us.

The boy, who never wants to participate in anything, now offers to drive? New. I released carbon dioxide into the world, stripping from 10K's scarf and balling it up into another make-shift ball.

The red ball of somewhat comfort was in between the hard, metal bedding of the truck while I was the one adding pressure against the cloth.

Charlie would've loved seeing 10K helping out; even if it was just driving. He was still helping/participating in something that we did. Something that didn't fuel his vengeance for the Zs.

Charlie would probably like to be alive right now. Maybe he could snap Warren out of her trance. The truck jerked back as 10K stepped on the gas with a lead foot, sliding my head away from the back.

Suddenly, we came to an abrupt stop, forcing my head to travel back to the original position. My head slammed into the metallic wall, not having any protection to prevent some pain. I grunted, holding my own head with one hand, groaning in pain.


"10K!" I shouted, not appreciating his driving skills.

"Sorry, (Y/N)." Doc apologized from the window of the passenger side.

After a minute's pause, 10K finally eased down off of the brake and carefully eased forward. The inexperienced driver was now driving down an old back road. He gained speed at different points of his experience.

Look at him go.

Addy and Mack / / Mack's P.O.V

"No people, no gas. Not even Zs." I sighed in frustration, turning the dirt bike off.

I stepped from the two wheeled vehicle, running my dirty nails through my even dirtier hair.

The beauty that looked good with dirt all over her body patted my shoulder to show some sort of comfort, "We got to go back. There's no help out here."

"There's no help out there, either." I muttered, adjusting the googles that danced around on my neck with the wind as it's music.

My eyes focused back at Addy when silence was her response. Unusual for the light blue-eyed woman.

"We have to go back, Mack."

Addy looked confused and conflicted at my newly changed state of mind, but I couldn't lie to her anymore. I didn't want to go back there; there was no more hope surrounding us. No one gave it out and no one received it.

No hope to protect (Y/N). No hope for Addy. We were all going to die out here if Warren didn't get out of her mind. She doesn't even seem like she's going to snap out of the trance any time soon. (Y/N) was going to die, mentally, if she kept following Warren's example.

"We have a mission, Mack. We made a promise."

Nope. Those words never slipped pass (Y/N)'s lips or mine.

I shook my head to show my disagreement, "We didn't make a promise, Addy; (Y/N) didn't make a promise."

Following my example, she shook her head back. The red dread locks tried their best to cover up the disappointment she was trying her best not to show. It was failing. I could see it and all I could do was pray she saw why I was thinking like this.

"We never did. Addy, the only promise we ever made was to each other. To stay alive."

"Look, yeah, maybe we didn't say the words and we didn't sign an oath, but we all stand for each other. We don't leave each other. So, are you just going to leave (Y/N) with them? Or do you even care if your baby sister is alive?"

Garnett came back for (Y/N) and me when those cannibals kidnapped us. Now, you want to leave them? Warren? When she needs us the most? What about (Y/N), Mack? Are you even thinking about her feelings?"

She loves the group. She has her first crush for God's sake, Mack! Are you really willing to drag her away from them? Just because you feel no bound for others?" Her voice was breathless every time she asked me a question.

The look in her eyes told me she was worried about me; the tone of her voice told me she was revolted by the idea of leaving everything that we once knew. I'd let (Y/N) choose who she wanted to be with, though.

I'd let her figure out who she wanted to go with. (Y/N) may have a crush on 10K, but it'll change; they'll change. This is the apocalypse. Nothing good lasts forever. He's going to die and if Warren doesn't snap out of it soon, it'll be her fault if my (Y/N) dies with him.

I reached to put her face in either hand so she'd look up at me and not down the road, "I just think maybe we have a better chance on our own. Like in the beginning."

"Mhmm. So, how long?" She popped, crossing her arms over her chest, protectively, but she wasn't removing herself from my touch.

I raised an eyebrow at the fragment, "What?"

"How long before you think you have a better chance on your own? With a teenager that's mentally damaged? Are you even going to go back for (Y/N)?"

I'll always go back for my baby sister, but what she wants to do is what she wants to do. She is growing up and when you grow up, you have to make decisions for yourself.

"Addy, whoa. Hey, I came back for the both of you."

I mentally face-palmed my forehead. She has a point, though. (Y/N) wouldn't want to leave them; especially now that Garnett is dead. She'd want to stay with them rather than leave with just Addy and I.

Maybe it's a good thing if she stays. If I die, she won't be alone to mercy me and whatever killed me. How am I going to protect her when she's got her own demons to deal with, anyway?

"Hmm?" Addy urged for my answer.

"The cannibals. I came back for you. I'll always come back for you and (Y/N). You know me." My voice cracked the slightest at the end, but I was quick to clear my throat.

|| Slow progress is still progress ||

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