S.1 E.8 ~ Z (Ch. 52)

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Being able to laugh and joke around without feeling guilty, it felt good; it felt like I was free when nothing was really bounding me to begin with.

"You two are some greedy bastards. You know that, right?" His words were suppose to be used in a rude manner, but we all just laughed it off.

I filled my metal cup to the brim, raising it to the ceiling.

"To Murphy. You may be the mission, but today, you became a friend." I started off.

Doc raised his cup next to mine, "Thank you."

"But I'm still mad about my arms." I smiled to show him I was joking.

Well, half joking.

"Here, here." Warren agreed, lifting up her cup.

"Cheers." Cassandra laughed as she 10K lifted their glasses together.

Murphy was the last to cheer for himself. We all smiled in this moment; our brains savoring the sweet freedom and happiness we felt in this single moment. Pictures of each person surrounding the metal slab was now burned into our memory file.

We won't forget this; this picture is just one of them memories you can't seem to forget. For Warren, she and Murphy created a strong trust with the other. Doc gained more hope for our mission.

Cassandra seemed to feel more attached to us. 10K seemed to be more relaxed, actually cracking jokes with everyone around him. For me? I just felt happier. Happier with the new bond I've established with the unbreakable boy here.

Happier that Murphy and I are finally getting along. Everything in this moment would be something that Charlie would've loved to feel and witness with us. The auras we gave off and happiness that was evident would be something he'd want for us.

It's time that I leave Charles Garnett in the past, for good. It's time I join everyone in the present. He was the greatest thing that happened to my family, to 10K, Cassandra, and Murphy. He did no wrong and he always tried to make everything right.

I'll remember him and I'll always cherish the irreversible memories, but maybe it is time to make new ones. Without him. Charlie was made to do something in this world. Maybe it was to bring us all closer in a way.

I smiled to myself, feeling a boulder come off of my shoulders at the thought of finally cutting ties with the past. I reached over Doc and grabbed one fish from 10K and Cassandra's pile of Goldfish. 10K, being to engrossed in his and Doc's conversation, failed to notice me aiming at his face.

When I had the aim perfect, my finger launched the small piece of food at the smiling boy's face. The edible fish bounced off of his forehead, landing on top of his pile of food he had laid out in front of himself.

We all laughed at this, smiling and telling more jokes with the other person. I looked up at 10K, smiling with my teeth showing. His face shook, eating the piece of food I had thrown at him. Yeah, the future is going to be a good one.

No more past to bound me to the negativity.

|| Memory ||

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