S.1 E.11 ~ SoM (Ch. 69)

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"Okay, well, we should be, you know, moving from here." Murphy reminded us of the destination point we had to reach.

Addy returned to the back with Doc while Mack and I stayed in the lead with Warren beside us.

"What's wrong with Cassandra?" Mack noticed 10K being used as a crutch for Cassandra's benefit. 

"I think 10K said something about a barbed wire. I know it's infected."

Because of me. Warren nudged her head towards two dark blue doors that was closing off our entry. Small windows were parallel from each other, having the same view pass them; just a white, plain wall.

Mack unwrapped his arm from around my shoulders and gently pushed me behind him. 

Warren opened the door first, gun in front of her body, "Hello?"

Her arms fell beside her as her shoulders slumped down just a bit. What's in there? After Mack entered, I was the next one to see a decomposing corpse in a blue, school-looking seat. Bullet to the head.

Someone was clearly not happy with old Chester.

"Guess we found Chester." Warren muttered to herself, walking down the three steps that was designed to help enter this small room. 

Chester had both of his arms laid out on top of the metal table as his neck was arched backwards. Who could've done this? Who else knew about this place? Mack and I was following Warren's lead down the steps, but a familiar naturally sweet scent passed us.

We all watched in curiosity as Addy moved to examine the corpse herself. As if she didn't believe she was seeing an old dead man in a chair. What is she doing?

"Hello, Chester."

Without even blinking an eyelash, the once sane woman raised her Zombie Whacker high above her head just to let it fall back down with the force of her weight added onto it. Right on top of Chester's already shut down head.

What the actual fuck? We all stared at the young lady with shocked, concerned eyes.

"Somebody got up on the wrong side of the apocalypse." Murphy commented, hinting that Addy was no longer the same Addy we all knew. 

She truly did wake up on the wrong side. The man was already dead.. Already given mercy. Everyone awkwardly shuffled to the next room with Doc leading them out.

"Go on." Mack ordered as Warren tapped on his left shoulder.

Obediently, I jogged behind Cassandra. Carefully, I slid my shoulders under her arm while her hand began to grip my shoulder at the contact I had made. This way, 10K won't be carrying all of her weight. 

I'll also be helping the mess that I caused. It's a win-win. 

"Chester? You got them, yet? You got my team?" A familiar, clear voice spoke from the room that Doc and Murphy were heading for, "Hello? Anyone? Warren?"

We all started to file in the room, one by one--or two by one. I stayed beside Cassandra while Addy and Mack got on the opposite side of the corner. Murphy stayed behind Doc and 10K. Our sharp shooter was on Doc's right and Warren was on Doc's left. 

To Warren's left was the Wonder Twins. Warren and Doc were the ones in front of a rectangular shaped metal table. 

"Addy, it's--Hey, hey! Up here! It's your old pal, Citizen Z. Oh, it's everyone. Hi, everyone!" A very skinny-looking man said from the small TV that hung from the ceiling. 

"Hi! Addy, looking good as always." He complimented our Beauty, but his eyes looked at the man beside her, "Oh, hey, uh, you must be Mack. Huh, kinda thought you'd be taller."

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