S2 E5 : ☠️ ZB! ☠️ (Ch. 190)

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What was to be the proudest, most happiest moment of their lives, turned into a scar that therapists were only suppose to know about in their two-to-four sessions. 

Once the child let out it's first aggravated cry, the room turned into horrors as the Zs made their presence known to the occupied attendants. 

The people that were closest to the crying child were the ones most in danger, as if the Zs thought the humans were hurting the human, or zombie, baby. 

"Cover them!" Warren pointed Vasquez in the direction of the sleeping beauties and prince. 

As soon as (Y/N) heard Vasquez release his first shot, she was on her feet and ready for a fight. 

"Come on, help me get them to the truck." Vasquez ordered before holstering his barely used gun so he could balance 10K on top of his shoulders. 

Since the blisters had stopped spreading on Addy's body once she received a whole pill, (Y/N) woke the short haired girl and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. All four of them made it out of the building in one piece, only taking care of the Zs that got too close for comfort. 

What happened in the red barn was something that Murphy never wanted to happen to his baby mama, but it was something that had to be done to ensure the baby's safety. 

It was an event that he would try to clean up as best as he could on the day their shared child asked about her mother. He'd tell her that her mother was a fighter; she never went down quiet. She stood up for that baby and for him. 

She would've been one hell of a good mother. 

For that whole evening, on the way out of the farm, Warren continued to feel sorrow. Not just for herself, but for (Y/N), for Murphy, and for the newborn. She felt like it was karma to her and her decisions for letting (Y/N) raid the camp so easily. 

But truly, it was no one's fault. It was merely the universe telling Serena her time was up. If there was to blame an actual person, though, it would be to the people who created these beasts. The survivors of the miniature herd was on their way out in the old, pickup truck. 

(Y/N) was out like a light once everyone, but Serena, had made it out of the site. 10K was sitting up against the back of the truck with (Y/N) laying beside his thighs. Addy woke up as soon as the second dosage of medicine was given to her body. 

On the ride to where they could get into a safe zone, Doc was filling Addy in on what (Y/N) had done to save both of their lives. 

"It's a lot of miles to cover before dark. We should get going." Vasquez suggested as he stood at the tailgate of the truck. 

They were all outside, surrounding the back end. Doc was at a corner, in between Vasquez and Addy, who sat on the ledge. 

"I'll go get Murphy." Warren nodded towards the immunity, patting the tail of the truck. 

The light vibrations would've disturb (Y/N) if she wasn't so mentally exhausted. Addy felt like the second dosage had enough time to really kick in for the first victim, so she began to shake the sniper up. His face was still blistered, but so was hers. 

He groaned awake, hearing Addy's encouragement to revive himself. 

"Hey, kid."

"Hey, there he is."

Vasquez and Doc greeted the sleepy head, after the other. His face and chest hurt like hell, but he ignored his bodily status. 

"Where.." He lazily looked around the surround area for Serena and her newborn, but saw no one of the sorts.

"Did-Did she have the baby?"

"Yeah, Murphy's having a moment with her."

"Mm." 10K leaned his head back, trying to collect his foggy thoughts until he realized that (Y/N) was no longer staring down at him from being on his bunk. 

"Where-Where is (Y/N) at?"

"Beside you." Addy pointed out, her finger illustrating. 

Quickly, 10K dropped his head downwards, feeling it to be too weak to control properly. He tried his best to regain control of his weak limbs, but things like that take time. 

"She's had a rough day, kid." Doc gave away some of the information, but would prefer 10K to be completely awake to understand, "But we'll tell you about it later."

"She stayed," He swallowed built up spit in his mouth to try and moisten the small space, "by my side."

'She did more than that.' They all thought to their selves, but said nothing. 

"I got something for you." Addy grinned as she reached into Doc's brown bag.

She handed over the black and hot pink box that had a ram on the side of it, throwing it into his catching arms. 

"Billy Boy brand condoms?"

Immediately, 10K's face began to reheat and for a moment, he wanted to think he had caught the disease again. The muscle beneath his skin felt like there were blisters forming. 

"I'm not saying that I want you to have sex with (Y/N), but you are not gonna die a virgin, I promise." Addy winked at him, knowing Mack would be murdering her at this moment if he knew what was going on. 

The thought made chills run down her spine when she thought about her dead boyfriend. Maybe he'd come see her in her dreams again. 

"But if it ever happens, don't be stupid." Doc continued, knowing that at some point, it was going to happen. 

It had to; he didn't want to lose another bet with Murphy. He was running out of cocaine. 

"Yeah, like that guy." Vasquez's sight soared back to the two sitting on the old farming equipment, "I mean, how did that happen anyway?"

"Oh, man, you gotta understand," Doc was cut short from his sentence by a small voice piping in from the bedding of the truck, "There was fuckin' pie that I missed out on, apparently."

All eyes were on (Y/N) as she grumpily sat up from her nap. Her back flopped against the truck as she stared out into the distance, at Warren and Murphy. 

|| Rest in Peace Serena, 'Pie Girl' ||

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