S2 E1 : 🔹The Murphy🔹 (Ch. 126)

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I felt all eyes poking at me, figuratively, but no one said a thing. I could see Doc leaving my side through my peripheral vision, but 10K never made a move to leave from around me. Yet, Mack and Addison left right behind Doc.

Funny how he can still leave me after he's broken me.

"If I let you go, you're not going to tackle Mack from behind, right?"

"He admitted to leaving me, 10K. Why should I give him any more satisfaction of knowing he hurt me?"

I lifted my head up from staring at the settled dirt. No matter how many times I want to yell at him, all I'm doing is wasting my breath. He's already left, so no doubt, he'll do it again one day. No matter how many times I throw it in his face, he has already done it.

I can't rewrite the past no more than a director changing the whole script to an already premiered movie. My head leaned back against the hard collarbones of the man behind me, looking at 10K from below.

Even with this view, I can tell just how sharp that jawline is.

"You can be mad."

"Where will that get me?"

"Another punch."

I snorted at the reply, shaking my shoulders as I laughed. Hesitantly, his hand fell off from my movements.

"A punch I'd love to repeat. Come on, let's catch up."

I nudged my head towards the back sides of the other's, gifting 10K with a small smile. The little expression is all I can offer him at the moment. He unwrapped his left hand from around my waist, releasing me with no comment on the hold.

I pulled the scarf back up and over my face, not wanting to taste the small particles of dirt and sand. With 10K beside me and the rest of the group a good distance ahead of us, we carried onward to the stationed transportation.

After about thirty minutes of dodging wild, newly turned zombies, climbing onto parked cars that blocked our walkway and taking some time to scavenge, we finally found the stolen four-wheeler and the trailer they hooked to it.

"We have some water and couple of stale snacks." Addison offered up the rest of their supplies once their ride came into view.

Once there, Mack hopped on top of the four-wheeler's seat while Addison and Doc went to the very back of the trailer. As I walked pass Mack, he unexpectedly grabbed my forearm. The gesture made me and 10K, both, turn our heads to see what locked onto me.

"Don't touch me." I mumbled, snatching my arm back to my side.

My brother said nothing of my attitude, "Do you want to drive? You've never driven a four-wheeler before."

"No." I replied simply instead of giving him anymore attitude.

It's better than starting another argument in front of everyone and hold up the process of finding Warren. 10K continued onto the trailer, hopping on in the front since Addison and Doc took up the tailgate.

10K sat on the right side while I sat on the left side, scrunched into a ball.

"(Y/N), you need to drink something." Addison's voice spoke up over the loud roar of the machine starting up.

I looked at her breathtaking blue orbs that no man could deny, then turned my head to see 10K's grey-blue orbs already staring back at me. As if we had a moment where we communicated mentally, he grabbed the water bottle that Addison offered and handed it to me.

I took it from his grasp with an appreciative smile and a single head nod. I got no smile back or the common 'you're welcome'. Instead silence was the only thing 10K would offer me, except for the water.

The trailer jerked forward as Mack shifted out of park, and headed towards which ever direction Doc had told him.

• • Five Hours Later • •

A figure began to overcome the once deserted road as Mack began to gain speed down a hill. I positioned myself to sit on top of my knees as the palms of my hand gripped the rail in front of me.

I squinted my eyes to try and see a little better but with the sandy wind sailing around the air with no control from Mack's driving, it was difficult to make the gender out. I knew it was a short person--probably female--, black hair, and it appeared to have dark skin.

Even though the face was yet to be recognizable, my mind immediately thought back to Warren's stature and the fact she was still missing from our family.

"I think that's Warren!" I shouted at the driver, my eyes never leaving their form.

As we gained closer proximity of the new figure, it became clear that it was indeed our missing piece to our strange, confusing puzzle of a family. Her back held a military backpack in the air while two jugs of water were sat on either side of her.

The dark orbs that belonged to the one, the only Warren glared at us with her fingers tightly gripping the handle of her revolver. My smile only grew wider as the clothes we had last seen her in were still intact to her body.

No blood stains were added. No tears on her clothing from running away from grabby Zs or torturous humans were there either. She stood directly beside the road on the right side as if she was awaiting for a car to come for her to hitchhike on.

Mack began to slow the four-wheeled vehicle down once the front end was close to Warren. I jumped out from the side of the trailer, running towards her as she holstered the revolver. She's never left me before.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she wrapped hers around my waist.

"I missed you."

"It's only been a couple of hours."

"Without knowing if your mom was laying in a ditch." I reminded her, not letting go until I had one more minute of the hug I so desperately needed.

Once I got over the reunion, I grabbed both of the jugs for her and walked to the back end of the trailer with Addison and Doc awaiting.

"Hey, chief." Doc grinned at the sight of his best friend.

After we got her loaded up with the extra set of supplies, we were back onto the road. I think Warren said a small town was ahead. Our leader began to inform us about the little girl with braided piggy-tails and a hoe to defend her young self.

Then, she went on about the quaint little set up the girl's family had in the middle of nowhere and about the mute little brother. I wish we could all live like that: just us all six of us, in a small village, alone.

• • Two Hours Later • •

We rode into the seemingly deserted town with suffocating tension starting at the town's 'Welcome to Cheyenne!' sign. Doc and Addison sat closer against their corners with Warren beside them and the supplies we had left in front of them.

We were all scrunched up back here with little room, but none of us complained. It was a hell of a lot better than walking.

|| Be the moon and inspire people even when you're far from being full ||

I just wanna do another secret shout-out for another amazing,soul. You weren't one of the first ones to read my story, but by God were you one of the ones that were blowing up my phone with your silly ass comments (I love those, btw). You may not want to be it, or even see yourself as good enough for it, but I believe you're going to be an actor; I got a feeling about you. You're going to do great things with your life and with other people. Thank you for all you've encouraged. <3

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