XV : The Cullens

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"You expect us to believe in Witchcraft and there's an entirely new world that has been right under our noses?" Rosalie said skeptically, as she crossed her arms and flung her perfect blond hair behind her back. He's gone completely off the deep end! He expects us to believe this!

Edward massaged his head once more as though he had a headache. He had gone over all of the details Gwen had told him about three times now. He knew what a shock this had been to him. In fact, the small raven-haired girl had to practically throw him out of the car for him to comprehend her words. So he had no idea how he was going to convince the rest of his family. Especially seeing as Alice was still in a state of shock.

"That's exactly what I'm saying" Edward managed to say, as he forced himself to focus on the conversation and not everything else running through his mind.

In fact, this was made easier by the his siblings thoughts screaming at him from across the room.


What happened to him?

If this is all true, what does it mean for us?

Maybe when he lost his ability to read minds with the newcomers, he lost all sense.

Edward believes it, so we see what these two humans have to say.

Edward knew they grew more and more weary of his words. He knew Carlisle and Esme were hesitant, but they were open to hearing out Gwen and Cal. He had invited the girl and her partner to come to their residence in the morning. What would happen if they arrived and the rest of his family still did not believe?

"I..." Alice said quietly, as she had been silent since returning from running into Cal and Gwen. "Edward is telling the truth."

"Alice, you're not serious?" Rosalie demanded. Not her too!

"I've seen it. I practically crashed their entire car. And with a wave of her wand, the girl--"

"Gwen" Edward added, as Rosalie shot him a look.

"Yes, Gwen" Alice said quietly, still dazed as though she were waking up from a dream. The pixie-like vampire then rubbed her temples with a pained expression.

Alice opened her mouth, and then hesitated, as though she had not quite believed her eyes and was still attempting to comprehend what had happened.

Jasper came to her side, with a look of discomfort on his face. Edward knew he had been struggling to deal with the fact that Alice had been having migraines as she focused too much on trying to get her visions back. His mate had been in much pain. And he could not do a single thing about it. Which caused him great distrust and anger towards the newcomers.

"She...She put it back together as though it were brand new" Alice continued quietly, as everyone else in the room hesitated. "It was magic. There's no other way to describe it."

And in the moment Alice began to speak, Edward felt a wave of relief, as he knew Jasper now believed him.

"If these humans can do what you say Edward, if there really is such a world..." Jasper said, as he looked around at their family and back to Edward. "Do you think they would truly accept us?"

"They have Vampires in their community" Edward said, as Rosalie tapped her foot impatiently. "A different species than us, but they are there. They even have a representative in their government. Gwen--" Edward hesitated to say her name, as a feeling of guilt overwhelmed him. "She mentioned they even have candy made of blood."

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