XXIV : The Goblin's Cocktails and Mixes

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"So, how did you both meet? I know you mentioned it was on the assignment, but any particular way?" Neville asked cheerfully, sipping his beer as he looked between to Gwen and Edward. His eyes lingered on Edward, as though trying to figure out if he knew him from a different place. "Say Edward, I know we just met. But I just have this inkling feeling about you. Almost like dejavu, you know? You look almost familiar. Have we...Have we met before?"

"What did I say?" Alex said, clapping a hand on the table loudly as he looked pleased. "You can't just put a mask on Edward tonight and think no one is going to notice. Especially Amos."

"Amos?" Neville asked, as he looked to Alex and then to Gwen with a confused look.

"Amos Diggory, Neville" Alex said with a snigger. "Take a good look at young Edward over there, does he remind you someone?"

"Alex" Gwen warned, as Edward looked hesitant.

He turned to Gwen, meeting her eyes as though unsure of what to do. After all, they had agreed to tell Neville but she understood his hesitation as they were in a pretty public place. The raven-haired woman took her wand out, performing a silencing charm around them.

"What did you just cast?" Neville asked curiously.

"A silencing charm, so we're not overheard."

"Overheard about what?" Neville asked, raising his eyebrow as he wondered what was to come next.

Edward turned to Neville, "I've heard I looked like--"

"Blimey!" Neville choked out, as he spilled his drink all down his front.

Gwen waved her wand, cleaning Neville instantly as Alex clapped Neville on the back.

"Cedric--?" Neville coughed out, looking at Edward in a whole new light. "H-How?"

"The question isn't how, the question is who" Alex said with a mischievous grin.

"I promise" Gwen said, as she turned to Edward and placed her hand gently on his arm. "Not all wizards are like this. Alex doesn't represent us."

Edward merely chuckled, as Gwen could tell he was enjoying all of the banter. She had noticed he had looked quite solemn before, but then somehow it passed as he seemed more open to talking with them. He was even trying to get to know her friends.

She had wondered if this had anything to do with the question she asked him, about why he had come back for her in the forest. It was a question she had been asking herself for some time now. And she had been holding her breath for the answer until Alex had interrupted them.

And now, they were sitting side by side in a couple of wizards. She wondered if he would be okay with her bringing it up later once they were alone.

"So, who are you exactly?" Neville asked, still looking horrified and trying to look put together.

Gwen looked to Edward, meeting his golden eyes as she could see there was something in his face she could not quite read...But beneath that, he looked amused.

He really was hard for her to get a good read on sometimes.

And so, Gwen lifted her glass cup to her lips, feeling the comfort of the burn of the rest of her whiskey slipping down her throat. She took her time as she settled the cup on the table, taking a breath as she looked to Neville once more. Then, she began her tale, with Edward filling in the rest.

Neville was not as great of an audience as Alex. He looked more serious and concerned than anything, staying silent throughout the entire ordeal as he put Trevor away in his pocket, paying a great deal of attention. When Gwen and Edward were finished with the story of how they ended up in Hogsmeade, Neville sat back in the booth as he looked as though he were concentrating on what he had just heard.

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