Final Authors Note and Sequel Announcement

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Thank you all so much for reading. TRULY! (Sequel link is in a comment at the end of this note if you can't see it, please go on my profile and it should be there).

I first published this story on Quotev (that's why the updates were so quick on here!) and am currently working on a Sequel, which I will post as soon as possible!

This has been such a fun project for me to do, with an idea I would have never considered if it wasn't for the suggestion of a reader! I really cannot express how much fun I had writing this! When I first started to draft the possibility of Gwen meeting Edward, it was only supposed to be about 15 chapters. I never once imagined I would end up with over 50+ chapters and a Part II being in the process.

I loved writing the dramatic scenes, seeing how these different characters navigated the situations, and how you all reacted to my cliffhangers! I literally was laughing along with you all and also just doing whatever came to my mind as I was reading. I started out with a plot and then just ran with it, as outrages or silly as it is. After all, it's a Twilight fic, there has to be some melodrama!

I really am sorry I did not give you all the 'perfect' ending. But I thought the ending was the most fitting for Gwen. She still has so much growth and so much to do, that I think where she ends up, will be a fitting end.

After all, good things come to those who wait!

Before I finish, I do want to point out some things about both J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer.

Though I deeply enjoy writing in J.K Rowlings world and have fun writing in S. Meyer's, I by no means, agree with their standpoints and beliefs on being transphobic, racist, and perpetuating the harmful stereotypes that they do in their advocacy and writing.

Specifically in Twilight:

The Quileute's:

The Quileute's are REAL indigenous people who do live in a real reservation. The Quileute Tribe has lived in the Olympic Peninsula for over a hundred years. Stephanie Meyer took their folklore and sensationalized it to fit the narrative of her story, while representing the Quileute people in a negative light. Stephanie Meyer represented the only people of color in her story as having anger issues, being seen as 'extremely dangerous', being pedophiles, and also being perpetuators of domestic violence. Stephanie Meyer perpetuated stereotypes of an already extremely oppressed population and romanticized abusive relationship dynamics. Not only that, but she also used a real indigenous population and did not provide them with any compensation for utilizing their folklore and name to sell merchandise.

If you would like to learn more about the Quileute People or donate to them, please click

Lack of Representation of the Cullens:

Despite the lack of representation in any of the Twilight Characters in the books, the first Director Catherine Hardwicke wanted to take the opportunity in the first movie to add characters of color (especially in the Cullen coven). Stephanie Meyer felt 'uncomfortable' and fought back against the casting. Hardwicke wanted to cast a Japanese actress as Alice, and have fun with the casting. Hardwicke really advocate for this and Stephanie only agreed to cast a Black actor as Laurent because he was a "villain". Though Hardwicke was able to cast Bella's High School friends to be more diverse, it was still really messed up that Stephanie Meyer only allowed for an actor of color be a vampire when it was a villainous role. Even in Breaking Dawn, I believe she describes one of the Amazon Vampires as "uncivilized."

Anyways, I could write an essay about Stephanie's romanticizing of abusive relationships and control, but I might do that at the end of Part II. 

Once again, thank you all so much for reading!

The Sequel is now Published! 

The link is on the comment above ^

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