XLVIII : The Fiancee

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The ground was covered in soft snow, just as Alice had predicted. It danced in the light, a choreographed ballet conducted by the gentle wind as normally, she would have admired it any other time. The winter time was her favorite season after all. But there was not much to celebrate at the moment.

Gwen, Cal and Leah were the first to arrive in the clearing.

Leah had spent the night over at their place in Forks, even though Sam had commanded they all stay at the Reservation to rest up enough for the upcoming battle. But Gwen guessed he had given Leah a pass, due to their history.

The raven-haired woman glanced around the clearing, seeing the clearing they had been training and strategizing in. Though no one was worried about taking care of the Newborns, Gwen couldn't help but feel conflicted about the entire ordeal. The Newborns were still sentient beings, despite their hiccup with craving human blood.

Though they were providing a defense for Bella, this was not her fight. She knew in good conscious, she and Cal could not intervene, no matter what.

"Do you think they'll show?" Cal asked nervously, as he looked around the clearing.

"Yes" Gwen said automatically, as she knew he was speaking of Edward and Bella.

"You sound so sure."

"I trust Edward" Gwen said simply. She knew he felt a responsibility for Bella. He even loved the muggle girl. In the short time that Gwen got to know him, really know him, she knew Edward would not let them down.

Leah scoffed, "You could do better than that leech. You know what? All three of you could do better."

Gwen grinned, as she remembered how the previous night, she had explained to Leah and Cal what had happened between them. Though Leah had known Jacob's side, now she knew Gwen and Edward's. And despite Leah's prejudice against the Cullens, the older girl provided much comfort and advice for Gwen.

The wind blew a breeze against Gwen's cheek, as she brought out a jar from purse, and prepared a small blue fire to warm them all up.

Leah's eyes widened at the sight of Gwen's wand, as she watched with wonder as the raven-haired woman conjured a fire.

"That will never get old" Leah grinned, as she looked from Gwen to Cal.

"You'll definitely get to see a lot more of that" Cal smiled, as he placed his arm around Leah.

"What are you two going to do--" Gwen began, but her question was cut off as there was movement in the woods.

Gripping their wands, Gwen and Cal looked to where the noise was coming from; only to see the giant wolves emerging. As the wolves descended, they all stood in various defensive positions on their makeshift battlefield. They were prepared to face the Newborns that threatened the people of their land.

"I guess that's my cue" Leah said softly, as she leaned in to kiss Cal passionately.

Gwen grinned as she looked away from them, giving them their privacy as they took much longer than she thought they would. Once they pulled apart, Gwen could hear them saying goodbye to each other.

"Be careful Leah" Cal pleaded. "Don't do anything reckless."

"You worry too much" Leah chastised him, but Gwen could tell she looked pleased with his concern for her. "I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you" Cal said with such meaning, that Gwen felt as though she were intruding on a private moment.

Leah turned to Gwen, winked at her and began to run towards the rest of the Pack. The raven-haired woman watched as a long tremor shivered down Leah's spine. She leaped forward, diving headfirst into the empty air. With another sharp tearing sound, Leah exploded. She burst out of her skin—shreds of black and white cloth blasted up into the air. And out of what remained of Leah's clothing, was a beautiful grey wolf.

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