XLIX : The Eclipse

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She and Jacob had walked a good amount away from the clearing, in order to not be overheard. They had not said one word to each other since they left the group, as Bella felt nervous to be alone with him once more.

She knew she had to get over this irrational feeling that Jacob belonged in her life. He couldn't belong with her, he could not be her Jacob, when she belonged to someone else. Especially not after everything that had happened between them.

Jacob was walking by her side, his face calm and smooth. There was no animation in his dark eyes.

It was hard for her to look at his face, knowing that she loved him. Knowing that a part of her would always love him. Even if she was still angry at what he had done...What they both did...She had promised Edward they would pretend these last two weeks ever happened. They would start over again.

So that meant, she had to say goodbye to Jacob Black forever.

Bella knew she had to tell him to go away and never come back...And yet, after everything he did to her, why was that so hard to do? So very much more difficult than saying goodbye to her other friends, to Angela, to Mike? Why did the idea of saying goodbye to Jacob forever hurt? It wasn't right.

That shouldn't be able to hurt her... She got what she wanted. She had Edward.

She was going to be a Vampire.

After everything they had gone through these last weeks...She had triumphed. This was her fairytale.

She needed to let everything else go.

"What do you want to talk to me about Jacob?" Bella asked with a sigh, as she turned her head back to the clearing nervously. "I thought I made it clear I never wanted to speak to you?"

He grimaced. "I thought you were supposed to be the forgiving one, and I was the grudge-holder."

Bella shrugged, as she tried to avoid his eyes as much as possible. Even being in close proximity to him after everything that had happened between them, was difficult. They had crossed a line as friends. She had kissed him at her most vulnerable. And even if she realized how in love she was with him, she loved Edward more.

"Been thinking about that last time a lot, have you? When we were together?"


Jacob laughed. "Either you're lying, or you are the stubbornest person alive."

"I don't know about the second part, but I'm not lying."

"A smart person looks at all sides of a decision" Jacob said plainly.

"I have," Bella retorted, as she almost felt like shoving her engagement ring in his face. She felt anxious being gone so long from Edward. Leaving him with her.

Her stomach had been feeling funny all morning, ever since Edward told her that girl had to be in the clearing with them. She stomped her and foot and refused to be in the clearing. Edward had made it just about clear that if he had to sit out, then Gwen Organa would have to be in the clearing too.

Bella had never seen Edward raise his voice a slight octave more to her. He had not yelled. He had not growled or looked angry. But he did have a tone of finality.

This behavior behavior was unlike him. He was always so impossibly selfless; especially with her...So when he made it seem as though she did not have a choice, it terrified her. Edward had always been so patient with her. He always took her feelings into consideration. And yet...When it came to that girl, he had changed. He was changing.

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