VII : The Photograph

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"Let's go now" Rosalie said fiercely, without any hesitation.

"One accident wouldn't be hard to pull off" Emmett agreed, as he looked to Edward. "You mentioned they were both drinking? A car wreck wouldn't be too hard to set up. And I bet they won't be expecting it."

"Edward, I do not know what happened to you" Carlisle began. "But there is a better way. Those two are the only remaining family they have. We cannot do this."

"She did something to me. I could not move. I was stuck, as though frozen in place. I've never seen anything like this before! If they wanted, they could wipe us out in seconds" Edward said, not know why no one was panicking the same way he was.

"But she did not" Carlisle responded calmly, as though he were speaking to a patient. "She let you go. Perhaps they are not the enemy. We've made treaties before."

"Then why are they here asking questions?" Alice demanded, her tiny features exploding with frustration. "They are not like the Quileute's. At least with those dogs, it doesn't block out my visions completely."

"Edward, you mentioned she took your wallet. Perhaps she wants to find you, to speak with you. She let you live after all" Esme said gently. "Supposedly, she and her brother are here to find the creatures killing the humans. If they truly mean us no harm, we can explain to them our way of life. We can coexist peacefully as we have done before."

"That's all great" Jasper said politely. "But that does not change the fact just one of them was able to disable Edward. And they now know his identity and where he lives. Endangering all of us. For all we know, the two of them are plotting to come get us with the entire human government."

"Jazz has a point" Alice said, as she looked to Edward. "But--" With them here, I can't see if Victoria is coming. Or even what the Volturi are plotting. It's dangerous for us. It's dangerous for Bella. But they're also so intertwined with us. I can't make sense of anything. It's as if their destinies link with ours. I don't know what it means.

"But what?" Emmett asked in an annoyed tone, as he could see Alice and Edward having their own discussion.

"Lets just kill her and get it over with" Edward said, as he turned to Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett.

"Who knows what they know" Carlisle said, pleading with his children. We would be breaking the treaty with the Quileute's! We would have to leave anyways. Son, think about it. Please. "What if more come for them? What if this causes a war?"

"Then we live with our decision" Edward muttered, as he and his three siblings ran towards the girl's home.


Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper checked the home of the siblings first. And Edward was correct. The two siblings did head home soon after.

"This girl really has you riled up" Rosalie grinned. Whatever she said to him really has him provoked. He really hates her. I've never seen him want to willingly kill someone who didn't deserve it.

"The sooner we end her the better" Edward growled, doing his best to ignore Rosalie's thoughts.

Jasper looked to him, feeling the emotions Edward was pushing down.

Why do you feel this way, Jasper questioned in his head, as he turned to Edward. Anger, frustration...And curiosity?

"Sounds good to me" Emmett said, as he eyed the cars. "We can place them in one of those. We can make it look as though the impact killed them. They won't be able to trace it back to us."

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