LII : The Volturi

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"Go?" Gwen asked in bewilderment, seeing Edward looking more tense than ever. "There are still some werewolves who need to healed. There's no way they can all start running!"

"They won't--" Edward said in exasperation, as though saying he did not care about the wolves. "I can't have them see you!"

"Are they coming to fight us?" Cal asked, looking concerned as he looked over to Leah's wolf-form who had a broken arm. And in no shape or form to run.

"They aren't coming for us. It's just the normal contingent of the guard that usually cleans up this kind of mess. Nothing momentous, they're merely doing their job" Edward said through his teeth, hard and bleak. "But regardless, it's not safe for any of you to be here!"

"They'll be here soon!" Alice warned, as she looked to Sam in his wolf form. "The Volturi do not honor truces with werewolves."

"We can hide us" Cal said quickly, taking out his wand. "Us and the wolves. A disillusionment and silencing charm. No one will be able to see us."

"Will it work?" Edward asked, throwing a look for reassurance at Gwen.

"Y-yes" Gwen replied immediately, her heart still racing as she gave it her all to focus on the conversation. "We'll heal who we need to and Disapparate as quick as we can!"

"Good plan!" Cal nodded.

The raven-haired woman swallowed hard, willing herself to focus at the task at hand as she turned back to Jacob and raised her wand. "Here goes nothing. Brackium Emendo!"

Immediately, Jacob's chest flung up as the charm began to repair all of his broken bones, which sounded as though they were being crunched and put together, all at once. As she saw her charm working, she felt a twinge of confidence and security fighting through the anxiety in her chest.

"It might need another go" Cal observed, as Carlisle placed his hands on Jacob's body to observe him once more.

"Amazing" Carlisle whispered in an amazed voiced. "A complete heal."

"At least he won't need to regrow them" Gwen muttered, feeling more relieved the spell had worked as Carlisle turned to her with a bewildered look.

"I'm going to need to hear that story another time" Carlisle grinned at her, getting up from Jacob's side and joined his family.

"Are you sure they won't be able to see us? Smell us?" Sam asked Cal, folding his arms as though he were skeptical of their magic. Or rather, worried for his Pack.

"The Volturi won't recognize the scent either way" Edward confirmed. "They won't realize the wolves are here; you all aren't a species they are familiar with. The pack will be fine."

Edward's eyes then moved to Gwen, eyeing her carefully as she felt a nervousness in her stomach with the way he was looking at her. It was almost as though he were looking through her; a gentleness lingered with worry and guilty, all at once.

Turning away from her, Edward placed his arms around Bella, who continued to look as though she was not quite all there. The vampire helped the muggle girl up, steadying her as he brought her into the clearing, to stand with their family.

"Bella, honey?" Esme's soft comforting voice called to Bella. "Can you hear me? You're safe now, dear."

"Three minutes," Alice said quietly.

The raven-haired woman's gaze crept back to the young female vampire. She was still watching Gwen, though, now switching between the Pack who were mostly all humans, her, and Bella.

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