XXXVIII : The Commitment

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The pair ended up in the Mojave desert, according to Edward. Though she tried to ignore the shinning small lights radiating from his skin, Gwen couldn't help but notice it. Edward looked almost horrified when they had arrived in the desert, but before they could get any more words in, she grabbed his hand and immediately apparated them back to Forks, Washington.

They arrived back in Forks, just a few hours before the sun came up. They were both standing in the forest, not too far from her home. She knew that area would not be populated by anyone, so they would not be seen or overheard.

"Nice joke Mundungus" Gwen growled, as she felt body being confused by the change of extreme heat to now a nice chill. "But he did do what he's supposed to. At least we got here in one peace, right?"

Edward didn't look her in the eye, as he looked around the forest, as though grateful to be away from the burning hot sun.

"So um..." Gwen said quietly, wondering if he had changed his mind on what he said he was going to set out to do. "I saw you, in the sun. I know it was quick, but, you weren't kidding when you said you were shiny."

The raven-haired woman grinned, thinking about the short seconds of seeing the boy before her in the sun. Edward looked almost mythical as he shined, and she wondered what was going on in his head as he continued to avoid her eyes.

Edward shook his head, "I...I didn't want you to see me like that. My skin is repulsive."

"Why does it shine?" Gwen asked curiously, as she approached him. She had never seen him so insecure, and found it quite endearing.

"My skin in the sun is not something a human would set eyes on in their lifetime. And if they did, it would probably be the last thing they would ever see."

"Is it to blind people before you prey on them?"

Edward turned to look at her with a frown, as though wondering why she continued to tease him.

"I didn't scare you?" Edward asked, almost demanding to know.

"Not at all, you actually looked kind of handsome for once" Gwen continued to tease him, as Edward grinned slightly. "Besides, you know I don't scare easy. Especially of you."

Edward really did grin now, as she found herself stopping right in front of him. Edward raised his hand, allowing his fingertips to linger on her bare shoulder and running down her arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

"This is a skin of a killer, Gwen" Edward said quietly, as he finally met her eyes. Gwen shook her head, "Maybe so. Maybe at one point. But who you are now, you're a good person, Edward."


"You are."

"How do you know?"

"I do" she said after a while. "I know you. We're the same. I think that's maybe why we had this connection right away. I...I think I saw something in you, that I also saw in me. You're not the bad guy here Edward. I know we both think we are, and maybe we are. But what I know for certain, is that we're survivors."

Edward nodded, "I think you may be right about that Gwen Organa. And can I say, I am delighted to know you better."

The raven-haired woman smiled slightly, "I want to know you too. I want to hear more about your life. We can do some traveling, date...Maybe do a little more than that."

Edward smiled, as his hand traced her face, "I think, I may have some limitations on that part. But I would like to ask you on a date."

"I think we can figure out some work arounds, I like a challenge after all" Gwen grinned dangerously.

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