XIII : The Swans

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Gwen played it over and over in her head, like a movie on the telly, just replaying the moment she almost shared with Edward. It seemed almost as though she had an out-of-body experience. They had almost kissed. Full on meeting of the lips, eyes closing, and hearts (well, her heart) thundering in her chest. And she had no idea where that desire had came from. From either of them.

When Cal had came in, it broke whatever trance Gwen and Edward were both under. But there was no denying it, they had almost crossed a line. A line she knew she could not cross.

"Did you hear me?"


"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yeah, we're having dinner with the...Um..."

"The Swans" Cal said, as he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. He then looked back to the tossed around silk sheets on her bed, and back to the raven-haired woman. Concern engulfed his face, as he looked uncomfortable to his partner. "Look, are you okay? We can cancel--"

"No!" Gwen said quickly, as she wanted nothing more than to do something that kept her mind from spinning. "I just need to get ready."

"Right" Cal said, as his eyes lingered to her bed once more and back to the girl. "Um...Did he uh, he didn't hurt you right?"

"Of course not" Gwen answered quickly, almost snapping at the man.

"Okay, okay" Cal responded just as fast. "I mean, your car looks as though something crashed through it. The tree is broken in half, and you don't seem like yourself."

"We can talk about this later" Gwen said, as she tried to smile. "The good thing is, the Cullens agreed to work with us."


The raven-haired woman swallowed hard as she brushed through her thick black hair. Cal had mentioned they were invited to dine with the Swan family. And they were going to do it because it was their job.

That's why she was there.

So whatever the hell almost happened, she needed to suck it up and ignore it. She wasn't here to snog or to fancy anyone--

Gwen hesitated on her thought, as her heart skipped a beat as her mind took her back to Edward gently placing a piece of her hair behind her ear, as their lips were seconds from touching...

She bit her lip as she remembered how when Edward let down his mask, he was truly an amazing person. What knowledge he had. How sensitive he was, how much guilt he carried for the very fact he was a Vampire. How much he wanted to learn about her and her world. He was so curious, so genuine in the way he did things.

Yes, they had started off with him wanting to kill her. But after hearing his story, she knew why he was so protective of his family. And he had thought her a threat.

The eleven hours of conversation they shared changed her opinion of him. They were more now. They were friends. They trusted each other. At least...She thought they did.

So, why did he run off so quickly?

Gwen got dressed as Cal fixed the car and the tree. She decided on keeping her same outfit, as she grabbed a checkered coat.

As Gwen was about to walk out of her room, she remembered that she had handed Edward the photograph of her and Cedric. The raven-haired woman turned around, looking on the floor for any sign of it. When she couldn't spot it, she moved around her silk sheets and used her hands to feel for it under her bed. But there was no sign of it anywhere.

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