IV : The Reservation

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Since the incident with the potential species following them, Gwen and Cal had took it upon themselves to be even more careful. Before arriving at Forks, they had planned to practice Occlumency and have basic protection spells that surrounded them. They had no idea if these creatures could be shapeshifters or what magical powers they may have.

And as of the previous night, Gwen and Cal knew several things about the species: They were fast. They were good at tracking. There was more than one. And most importantly, they knew who Gwen and Cal were.

Thankfully, the following day was a weekend. And like Hogwarts, Forks High School gave them the weekend off from school as well.

Leaving her spelled quill working on her muggle homework, Gwen and Cal headed out for the native reservation nearby for more investigating.

"They are the Quileute tribe" Cal explained. "There have been some sightings of large animals near their reservation. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask around, make our presence known, you know?"

The woman nodded, playing with the ends of her hair. She remembered reading their profile on their assignment debrief.

"I think our presence has already been noticed" Gwen responded, thinking of the boy named Jacob who had glared at her at the cafe. She wondered if he belonged to the reservation.

The reservation was located near the southwest corner of Clallam County, Washington at the mouth of the Quileute River on the Pacific coast. The reservation's main population center was the community of La Push, Washington.

Which was also a popular beach for the locals.

"We have a meeting with Billy Black" Cal said, as he handed Gwen the profile they had on the man.

"Black is said to use a muggle contraption called a wheelchair, due to the muggle disease; diabetes" Gwen read out loud.

"Deadly disease" Cal nodded. "My uncle passed away at a young age from it. Speaking of which, we should cool it with the hamburgers. The disease does run in my family. I ain't trying to kick the bucket before it's my time."

"We can start to order pizza instead."

Cal's face broke out into a grin and then released a generous laugh. Gwen couldn't help but smile as well. His laughter was infectious, and he liked her joke. Within the last day, Gwen had warmed up to Cal. Despite him being a few years older than her, this was his first assignment out in the field. She couldn't blame him for being curious about the war...She just wasn't ready to talk about it yet.

"In all seriousness" Cal said, as he continued to drive through the rain. "I'm not a bad cook, if I do say so myself. We can pickup some groceries on the way back."

"Well, if you're offering to cook" Gwen said, leaning back her in chair feeling more relaxed. "By all means."

"So uh, anything following us?" Cal asked, as he looked nervously in his rearview mirror.

"Not today that I'm sensing" Gwen said, as they crossed through to the Quileute lands. "Perhaps they decided we're too dangerous."

"Or perhaps they know we're on to them."

"They haven't attempted to attack us. Whatever it is, it hasn't engaged."

"I guess we'll find out soon" Cal said, hiding a nervous look that Gwen caught before he changed it. "They've certainly been making headlines in Seattle. Five killings within the last few weeks. They've been written off as a potential no-maj serial killer. But the disappearances are quite the same as these species we're searching for."

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