XVI : The Vampire's Resolve

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A beautiful blond girl came walking down first. She looked like a supermodel with perfect white skin and waist-length hair. As she moved, she looked intimidating and beautiful all at once. Her topaz eyes only stopping and glaring when she saw Cal and Gwen. Gwen guessed this was Rosalie, the only other sister that Edward had.

Her partner, that Gwen knew to be Emmett came next. He was big, almost huge. He was muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark and curly hair.

They were followed by Alice, who was holding hands with a taller and leaner boy. He was honey blond and looked as though he were holding his breath. The two were rapidly whispering silently to each other.

Gwen felt herself automatically stiffen, as she felt her hand twitch to her wand.

And lastly, came Edward. He was silent and still as he came down the stairs, as though forcing himself to be there. Gwen looked up to his face to meet his eyes, but once more he stared straight ahead as though she did not exist.

The Cullen siblings eyed the newcomers with distrust, as they stared at one another. Gwen could feel Cal stiffen under the glares of the Cullen siblings, as the Vampires took in the presence of the wizards.

"This is Rosalie" Esme said kindly, as she looked to the tall blond girl.

"Nice to meet you" Gwen nodded as Cal smiled.

Rosalie gave them nothing in return, looking intimidating and standoffish. Gwen expected as much, as she fit Edward's description to the core. It made Gwen smile in amusement, which greatly confused Rosalie.

"Emmett," The large one introduced himself, as his face split into a huge smile as he approached Gwen and Cal.

He went in for Cal first, hugging him quickly and then turning to Gwen and holding out his hand. She took it confidently, as he grinned widely.

"Big fan, big fan!" Emmett said, as he looked at them both cheerfully. "Cal? Gwen?"

"Nice to meet you" Cal said with a hesitant smile, as though not expecting the huge Vampire to be so friendly.

The side's of Gwen's mouth twitched, "Hi, right back at you."

"Now tell me" Emmett said, as he raised his eyebrow in suspense. "Is it true you have a wand?"

Gwen couldn't help but smile, as she reached into her coat pocket and took it out. Emmett's eyes widened with excitement as he looked down to the girl.

"Can you make me fly?"

"Emmett!" Esme said. "Don't be rude."

Emmett looked disappointed, as his shoulders fell from his adopted mother's scolding. Gwen could tell the other siblings slightly relaxed with Emmett around, as she felt someone gazing at her from across the room. She looked over to see Edward was examining her every movement from afar, but when she turned to meet his eye, he turned away.

"Maybe later" Gwen whispered to the Vampire, as Emmett's face split into a wide grin.

"And you know Alice" Carlisle continued, as he looked to the tiny Vampire holding hands with a nervous looking Vampire that Gwen recognized to be Jasper.

"Hi again" Alice said with an small but genuine voice. "Sorry about the car. And sorry for scaring you. I was just looking for my brother."

"I'm just glad it didn't escalate" Cal said, looking as though he was not comfortable getting near her.

Alice's eyes fell with shame, as she looked down to the ground, "I am truly sorry. I didn't know Edward had already spoken to you. I--"

"It would have been an interesting fight" Gwen grinned, as she heard the sincerity in the small Vampires voice. "Witch versus Vampire, think of all of the material for jokes that could be made from that. Too bad Edward ruined our fun."

Black Hole Sun [Harry Potter/Twilight]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora