The Decision

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The raven haired woman stood in place, feeling the air being blown out of her momentarily as she saw a ghost standing before her. It couldn't be...

She knew it wasn't even a question of her having too much to drink. It was impossible what she was seeing. Her mind was playing tricks on her. She had never hallucinated to this extent before.

And as she stared into the familiar and yet, unfamiliar face, it was like she came to her senses. There were monsters all around her. Monsters that had been following her for some days now. And monsters that had crossed the line.

Without thinking or even waiting for Cal, Gwen felt herself shaking in anger. She put down her glass, not dropping her gaze from the creature before her and walked towards it. Slamming a $200 bill on the counter for her waitress on the way out, the monster continued to watch her curiously with his strange topaz colored eyes.

The anger in the woman's eyes would have been able to cut through glass, as she felt violated from the monster somehow finding information on her and turning into her very weakness.

As she got closer to him, the monster slowly walked out as she followed. Their eyes never dropping from each other.

The two kept a cautious distance from each other, with Gwen making sure to take in her surroundings and stepping lightly, with her hand always on her wand. Ready for anything.

At one point, she had no idea if he was leading her, or she was leading him. But regardless, they ended up in a abandoned dark alley, to where she knew no muggles would be able to see them. Which also meant, if they ended up in a fight, there would be no witnesses to what would happen. And that was exactly what Gwen was hoping for.

"What are you?" Gwen said carefully, as she continued to eye the monster before her.

Whether it was trying to mess with her or come across as something familiar for her to be able to speak with, she didn't care. She lifted her wand, pointing it directly on the creature.

The creature who had taken on the appearance of Cedric, eyed her wand with curiosity. His eyes lingering on hers once more, as though angry and frustrated all at the same time. A murderous intent raging in his eyes. A look Cedric would have never carried.

"What are you?" Gwen said darkly, keeping a steady head. "I'm not going to ask you again."

The man looked at her curiously with his topaz eyes, "You're just a human."

"And I know you're not" Gwen said, as she parried slightly to the side. She knew these monsters were fast. She had no idea if there were other creatures around, waiting to strike her down. But she didn't care. She liked the adrenaline rush of danger. Who was she kidding. She loved the danger.

"What are you? A shapeshifter?" Gwen called, raising her perfectly arched eyebrow as the man stood still as a statue, as though wondering what to do.

She examined him, while he continued to stand inhumanly still. His skin was a striking white, almost like one of those ancient statues that muggles often had in their old museums. And even with his cold demeanor, he was beautiful. It was a beauty she couldn't quite comprehend. It was alluring. It was seductive.

And she knew despite his beauty, he was dangerous.

He was not Cedric at all. Or at least, a poor imitation. Cedric was warm. He was kind. And most importantly, Cedric never had the murderous topaz colored eyes that the monster had as he was staring at her.

"What? You can follow me and now you can't speak?" Gwen said, as there was a pained look on his face. "Are you a mind-reader or something? Getting into my head! Is this what you do to your victims? Torture them before you kill them?"

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