IX : The Forest

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The cool drops of water hit Gwen's face lightly, as she trudged through acres of mud with Edward by her side. She had no idea where he wanted her to follow him to. But she did so without complaint.

He led her past the parking lot, taking her into the forest that surrounded the back of the High School.

She heard Cal's disapproving voice in her head, as she inhaled the fresh smell of pine trees. She knew he would definitely yell at her as soon as she got home. Well...If she got home.

Gwen turned her dark brown eyes towards the back of Edward's head. She saw the reddish tint in his chestnut hair, as her eyes lingered on the handsome boy before her. She had her hand on her wand in case he tried anything funny. But for some reason, she trusted him. She knew he would not hurt her.

After all, they made a deal, did they not?

At least, she hoped he would keep his side of the bargain. She knew if it came down to a fight, she could stop him from coming near her. But he was also fast. And she had no idea what type of powers these Cold Ones had.

"So, was this part of the plan?" Gwen asked, picking up the pace as she turned to examine his sculpted face carefully. If she didn't stop herself, she would have flinched. Despite being cold and possibly dead, she couldn't help but notice how similar he looked to Cedric...It almost hurt to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"To lure me out of the school."

"I--" Edward hesitated, as he then frowned.

"I wish you would have told me before" Gwen said with a joking air, trying to push down her pained feelings by humor. And in the meantime, she wanted to test out her theory if Vampires could understand humor. "I would have brought my hiking boots."

"I did not even know I was going to ask you to come out here."

"So, why did you?"

Edward stopped walking, as they were now surrounded by multiple trees and plenty of wildlife. With no muggles in sight. Surely, no one was around for miles. He had taken her far enough into the forest.

Edward faced the raven-haired woman, meeting her dark brown eyes with his topaz ones. The two stared intensely into each others eyes, unspoken words filtering through the silence of the forest. Gwen found it hard to breathe, as she focused on his eyes, so much so, she would have gotten lost in the bright topaz color if her fight or flight responses were not so aware of the danger she could be in.

The topaz eyes continued to look into the dark brown eyes, as the raindrops continued to hit their faces and soaking them both. Gwen could see the rain dampening his hair, leaving it stuck to his forehead. She had no idea how long the two were unmoving and unwavering. With more and more questions forming between them with every second.

"Why are you here?" Edward whispered, in such a low and harsh voice that Gwen would have missed it if she had not seen his lips moving.

"Why are you?" Gwen responded immaturely, as she studied his face as annoyance appeared.

Edward took a deep breath, as he stepped back from her. His face was contorted between frustration and anger. Though, when he took several breathes, his face then relaxed. "You're a very frustrating human."

"You don't like me very much" Gwen stated, as she remembered the murderous look he had directed her way on several occasions.

"What are you thinking?" Edward said suddenly, as he looked at her once more with a frustrated expression.

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