XVII : The Olympic Vampire Coven

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Gwen felt herself appearing outside of the Cullen home. She had forgotten her coat, so she was shivering and trembling from the crispy forest air. Though, she wondered if there was more to her trembling...She was still in shock with what had just happened.

In fact, the raven-haired woman still couldn't comprehend what exactly happened. Edward had made it clear he was no longer going to interact with her. That they were no longer friends. It wasn't such a strange concept for her...To just no longer be friends with someone. The war had caused many of her friends to scatter across the country to no longer be as close as they once were. The war had changed them all. But with Edward? It had taken her by surprise.

She felt a slight uncomfortable feeling in her chest as she recomposed herself. She was angry, of course she was angry. But she knew she had no right to be. What was she expecting? They just met. They hardly knew each other. He had a girlfriend. And he looked like her ex-boyfriend! Whatever they had felt or not felt...It was impossible. It was messy.

Too messy.

Too complicated.

And she didn't need anything like that in her life. Whatever it was.

The raven haired woman took a deep breath, as she released it and focused back to why she was there. This was an assignment. Nothing more and nothing less.

Opening the backyard door to the Cullens home, Gwen stepped inside as she smelled the sweet and delicious aromas coming from the kitchen. She closed the door behind her, as she heard loud voices coming from the living room.

"I'm just saying!" Emmett argued. "Viktor Krum was a little punk for catching the gold ball! He should have waited."

"Bulgaria would have never caught up in points!" Cal disagreed.

"They could have kept going!" Rosalie snapped playfully. "The other players could have gotten it together!"

"Ireland is too good" Cal disagreed. "Krum did the wise choice."

"So then who won?" Emmett demanded.

"Ireland won, but Bulgaria got the snitch" Cal explained.

"Just wait until we can play!" Emmett said, as he punched his hand with excitement. "Whooossh! I would definitely be a Chaser! Rose, you could be the Keeper--"

"No way, I would be the Seeker!"

Gwen turned away from them as she wondered if Edward had made it back, as she felt her breathing slowing down and she was now calm. She could do this. She had to. She felt herself trying to smile as she knew she could not let anyone see her like this.

She was fine.

She was fine.

"Where is Edward?" Carlisle asked, popping his head from the kitchen as he smiled at her kindly.

"Um..." Gwen said hesitantly. She knew Carlisle probably knew what they spoke about. Perhaps they all did. And it bothered her because she tended to keep her feeling close and internal. Well, however she felt, she wasn't going to let the Vampires think she was just a fragile human. "In the forest."

Carlisle simply smiled at her, dropping the subject of his son completely and invited her to eat. Gwen followed him as he led her to the dinning room, where Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper were standing around Cal.

Gwen forced a small smile, as Esme and Carlisle had prepared an entire five-course meal and presented it to her. They had really outdone themselves. Emmett was not kidding when he said they were excited.

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