Epilogue | Black Hole Sun

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One Month Later [New York];

Finding comfort in debauchery, if anyone ever needed to find Gwen Organa in New York City, they would not find her in a cluttered office behind a mahogany desk in the MACUSA building or snuggled in the library diligently conducting research; but instead, in Upper East Side Manhattan, drinking and dinning with the descendants of the Aurors of Old.

Gwen came to find that the States put quite an emphasis on Magical Enforcement, especially honoring their first 12 Auror's in history and their descendants, to a degree of almost royalty. There were only two descendants of those original 12 Auror families; Crystal Wilkinson and Michael Fontaine; who wined and dined Gwen until the sun came up.

Wilkinson and Fontaine were a colorful bunch, introducing Gwen to many socialites in the the MACUSA circles. She often found herself thrown into blind dates they would set her up with. And yet, despite the eligible bachelors thrown her way, none would hold much interest for her. Not for long.

Though, she often found solace in the many faceless men when all else failed.

Heartbreak; was such an inappropriate grief that stole her appetite and sleep. It was a waste of time. But it came in waves. It came when she was alone in the dead of night. It came when her sleeping potion was not as potent as she liked it to be. It came at twilight, as even New York City was calm for a brief moment. It came with the flowers, letters, and gifts that lined the entry way of the flat MACUSA had secured for her.

And she absolutely detested it.

It seemed so silly to her, she hardly knew Edward. And yet, it had not been easy for her. As much as she tried to convince herself it was nothing at all, there was a part of her...A tiny part of her, that felt a loss.

Sometimes, when she dared sleep, she dreamed of walking through a pine-filled forest at dusk; watching the sun fall as the floor was covered in white lotus flowers.

Gwen never understood the dream.

Perhaps it was due to the strange lotus flower bouquets that began to appear at her doorstep everyday. But what set these flowers apart, was the random act of them. They held no card and no well wishes. They just appeared there everyday.

Every single day.

Most of the flowers sent to her were lilies, roses, or hydrangeas. These three flowers were rumored to be her favorite, due to an article in Witch Weekly that had came out after the Second Wizarding War was over.

But despite her random waves of sorrow, she still hoped, no, she knew everything would one day be better. She had to believe it.

As the days went by, her reports would be completed to a perfect degree, and one really would never know exactly what was going on in Gwen Organa's mind. And maybe, she didn't even know herself.

But she was trying.

She was trying to live her best in the moment. She was trying to move past what she felt for Edward. She was trying to prepare herself for when she returned to Britain, to confront what she needed to do. What she had to do.

And in the meantime, she found comfort in debauchery. At least, while she could.

Gwen was quite glad Cal gave her space, though, she attested it to him knowing she was working diligently on their report and not just playing throughout the city without putting in any effort. Sometimes, Cal would even join in with her nights of self-indulgence, as his own sadness was due to being apart from Leah.

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