LIII : The Leaving Song

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Arriving at the Reservation, the parents of the Pack were waiting for them nervously. Bella Swan's father; Charlie, was among the crowd of worried parents looking quite confused as the members of the Pack that were pulled into tight embraces.

Without context, it could have looked as though all of the boys and Leah were coming home from war. As their parents stood waiting anxiously for them outside of Emily's house, where Cal was dropping them off. And one by one, they were pulled into tight hugs of relief and love by their parent or parents.

Jacob was kneeling down as his father hugged him tightly, whispering proud words to his only son.

Gwen watched as Leah and Seth's mother took both of her children in her arms, though they both towered over her, the woman held them tightly and with a love that radiated beyond their embrace.

Even Sam's parents took him into their arms, as Sam looked younger than before as his face softened at their touch.

Despite the Pack being large and looking as though they were in their mid-twenties, all of them were just kids. Just kids that been pulled into a generational battle that they never knew truly existed until their bodies knew it was time to phase.

"Cal!" Sue called warmly, as she held a hand out to Leah's partner. "Come on!"

Cal smiled brightly as he automatically moved to meet them, but then hesitated as he looked back to Gwen, as though feeling guilty for leaving her alone.

"Go!" she encouraged, smiling as Cal joined his new family.

Her eyes moved to Quil and Embry, who were in a rapid discussion with their parents with eccentric arm movements and jumping. She couldn't help but laugh to herself as she turned away, only to meet Charlie Swan's eyes who looked as out of place as her.

"Hey!" Charlie called, as he waved and began to walk towards her.

"Hey Mr. Swan."

"Oh! I told you not to call me that" Charlie chuckled, as he went to stand by her. "What are you doing out here?"

"Cal and Leah are together, he wanted to come see her" Gwen said, as she motioned towards them.

Charlie followed her motion, his eyes lingering on Sue before turning to Cal.

"Really?" Charlie mused, looking surprised. "That was fast."

"Well, when you know, you know I guess."

"I guess" Charlie said as he made a face. "Well, I'm just glad they're both old enough, you know? And they've both dated other people. I know Leah and Sam were together for some time, so I guess, it's good they're able to explore and just--"

Charlie cut off, looking a little embarrassed as Gwen wondered if they were still talking about Leah and Cal.

"You should come by for dinner again" Charlie said suddenly. "I know Bella would love that. She probably wouldn't want me telling you, but she was very excited to have you over for dinner. I--" Charlie sighed. "I know she is so caught up with her boyfriend and I just think that if she has someone like you around, she might focus on other things. Like school or just I don't know, whatever girls are up to these days."

Gwen smiled kindly to the muggle man, wondering what his daughter really would think of him telling her this. She felt touched how much he truly loved his daughter, wishing that she could tell him everything was going to be okay. But he was only months, or maybe even weeks away before losing his only daughter.

And though she knew the reason for this, it made her incredibly sad for the man.

"I'm not too sure how long we'll be staying" Gwen admitted. "But if there is a chance, I just might take you up on that dinner."

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