Chapter 15

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For a week it became a routine, the dean would drive her, she would attend her classes go to her part-time job then head home to sleep. Ryker didn't have much interaction with her and she was more than grateful for his choice.

 Her father in law didn't comment on anything she did so far, Beth being the kindest heart she met was trying to cheer her up during the weekend and Silvia made no effort to talk to her.

It was that Tuesday, when she lost control, being bullied, didn't settle well with her.

"What now from Ryker to the dean, I saw him drop you off. How many-" Smirked Josephine, that was the last drop for Willow to lose her temper.

Punching her straight across the face; Willow twisted her hand, she threw a kick against her stomach before delivering a high kick to her face.

"How many times did I warn you to not play with me and watch your mouth huh?" She yelled; looking down at the girl who was now lying on the ground.

It didn't take long for the security to report it to the dean. Willow was called to the dean's office in a matter of few minutes. She was nowhere near regretful, that girl deserved it.

"Sit down Willow." He shook his head in disbelief.

"What's going to happen now?" She asked playing with her fingers.

"Her parents will come for sure, your father in law won't be happy and you just made an enemy. Josephine's father is Mr. Damon's friend." Explained David.

"Let's see how the great Mr. Hendrix is going to protect his daughter in law." She smirked making the dean laugh in complete shock.

Meanwhile, Ryker gasped at the sight of the beaten Josephine who now sat on a bench with her minions; one of them holding ice against her right eye.

"What happened to your face?" he asked grabbing her chin between his fingers inspecting the bruises.

"That monster called Willow did this." She cried wincing in pain.

Ryker's mouth opened in shock. "Where's she?" He asked.

"With the dean. My parents are coming, I'm sure she's having an affair with the dean he will take her side." She seethed.

"Is that what you told her?" He asked in amusement.


"That's why she messed your face, and you still are running your mouth." He shook his head.

Ryker walked inside David's office to find a relaxed bride. "Did I marry a gangster or what?" He sighed sitting on the chair across hers.

"You saw nothing." Commented a laughing dean passing his phone to his in-law, "The camera caught it, take a look."

Watching the video Ryker looked at the innocent creature in front of him, how could she manage all of this violence?

Willow shrugged locking eyes with him. "She pushed me; I have been lenient with her for weeks now. She doesn't understand."

"And so you decorated her face huh?"

"She didn't give me a choice Ryker. I don't like being bullied." She glared.

Ryker prevented himself from smiling; his eyes took in her whole figure. He noticed something; the ring nowhere to be seen. Willow's eyes opened in realization, she tried hiding her hand inside her pocket. But, she figured he already saw it as there was a change in his demeanor.

"She cannot escape the punishment David and she should apologize to Josephine. The poor girl is a mess." Vocalized; a now angry Ryker as he glared at his bride.

"I will NEVER apologize to that bully." She stood up.

"Sit down Willow." Ordered the dean.

Throwing herself down on the chair she sighed in annoyance.

After Ryker left, it didn't take long for the parents to arrive. They were simply fuming in anger.

"Is this the girl?" seethed the mother reaching for Willow.

"I suggest you don't touch her Mrs. Williams." Ordered the dean.

"Or what huh? Why didn't you tell her that; when she played with my daughter's face?" Commented the father.

"Your daughter bullied her, I know nothing can justify violence but Josephine has a role in this." Declared David.

Sitting on the couch; the woman started talking "Look, Mr. David, my daughter told us about you and this girl having an affair."

"That's the same reason that made me break her jaw." Glared Willow.

"Girl if you don't shut your mouth I will be the one breaking jaws now." Responded Mrs. Williams.

"Mrs. Williams, Shame on you. I am married, and Willow is family." Explained the dean.

Mr. Hendrix arrived shortly after to which they all stood up to greet him. Willow left her chair for him to sit as she stood behind him.

"I heard about the commotion, Willow why did you do such a thing?" Asked a relaxed Damon.

"Their daughter kept on bullying me for weeks, and today she came to me accusing me of having..." She looked down in embarrassment "Of having an affair with Mr. David just because she saw him drive me to campus." She continued.

"I see." He nodded.

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