Chapter 2

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She applied some sunscreen and lipstick then left to grab a taxi.

"OH MY GOD." she gasped at how immense the place is "I sure am going to get lost." she whispered to herself walking towards the main gates.

<Where are you when I need you the most.> she messaged Mike and of course he didn't reply, she's sure about the fact that he's still asleep.

"Let's do this willow, we've got this." she spoke to herself.

She saw many new faces yet sometimes she would notice a person or two with familiar faces, they didn't make any effort to greet her nor did she.

Willow looked at her phone checking what class she has at the moment, but the main problem is where?

«Now how would I know the directions." she sighed to herself.
Walking towards a cute girl she started with a small greeting "hey!" greeted Willow.

"Hi!" smiled the other girl 

"Do you have any idea where this is?" asked willow sheepishly.

"Oh, finally a classmate!! We're in the same class! I don't know where it is but we still can ask, at least now we're together not as awkward as being alone." cheered the girl in front of her earning herself a smile.

"What's your name by the way?" she added.

"Willow, you?"

"Dina." she smiled happily

"Nice to meet you." smiled willow

"Same here, oh only three minutes for us to find where we should head to." she spoke in a sudden alert.

"We should ask someone." spoke willow thoughtfully, she didn't want to be late now that she's here and things are new and mysterious.

In ten minutes they found their destination, entering quietly, they sat next to each other as the professor talked about himself and the subject he will be teaching.

Willow looked around her cautiously seeing all the new faces.
"Too many people." she whispered to Dina making her nod her head.

"I wonder if there are some hot guys over here!!" spoke an excited girl making willow laugh silently at her words.



The lecture went well, they decided to go grab something to eat and do the uni tour together "It is beautiful here."

"It is, but there's no single hot guy." sighed Dina

"It's okay, this is just the first day and I'm sure more people will come." Talked Willow trying to give her hope.



"Come on let's go the lecture will start in a couple of minutes." Vocalized Willow dragging her new friend along with her.




Throwing herself on her bed she sighed in frustration, the first day of uni didn't go as expected but at least she made a friend so she won't be all alone in such a vast place.

"So how was your day?" spoke Mike through the phone.

"Meh let's not talk about it, nothing exciting."

"I told you." he responded.

"Oh yeah you did, I'm going to work talk to you later boo."



It has been a month and nothing exciting happened.

"I am coming over to your campus." spoke Mike.

"I am waiting." she responded ending the call.

Willow looked around her in frustration; she felt like an unwanted being among all the students, she sat under the sun waiting for her boo.



"Oh there you are, I'm suffocating here." she whined hugging him.

She felt eyes on her yet she didn't give it a second thought, "Want to grab lunch?" Asked Mike.

"Oh yes, I'm starving!"

"There's this new restaurant, wanna try?"

"No adventures am so hungry and I want to eat something familiar." she informed him.

"Uh B-O-R-I-N-G." he teased



They sat at their table, eating their food peacefully.

"So how's the mission of finding your prince charming going?" he asked in curiosity.

"I'm stuck on level one still couldn't upgrade." she spoke in frustration.

"You should've accepted that hot guy's offer." he winked.

"That hot guy you're talking about is a man-whore ." she rolled her eyes.

"Many were looking at you though."

"Where?" she asked nonchalantly

"Uni!!" he exclaimed.

"If they wanted they would have talked." she spoke getting a bite from her chicken burger.

"As if you will give them a chance!!"

"Who knows" she responded with a mouth fall.

"I know and how many times shall I say speak with an empty mouth." he spoke annoyed.

"Many times" she smiled her mouth still fall.

Another two weeks passed by and it was becoming a routine, she would attend her lectures, go to work, meet up with her boo if possible and that's the cycle.

Willow stood under the sun waiting for the professor to appear, the routine started frustrating her and she regretted choosing this university.

A loud fake scream brought her back to reality, she saw three girls making a fuss because of a little locust, She couldn't bring herself to say the word before a male's foot stepped on it.

"No don't." she yelled surprising them and everyone around, but what's done is done.

She started clapping in anger, "Good job hero, it would've killed them if you didn't kill it." she spoke sarcastically. Willow loved animals dearly, she knew that they have emotions and a lot of them however human beings didn't show any mercy towards them, only a few did.

"Are you talking to us?" asked one of the girls.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"There is." spoke the other one trying to intimidate her but that didn't happen.

"So you want to tell me, you ladies were screaming in terror because of a little locust but you're not afraid of a human being." she spoke pointing to herself.

"Get lost." spoke the first one.

She took a step towards them, standing face to chest with the guy, she looked up her mouth went dry from the sight, the guy standing in front of her looked damn fine and she never saw him around, hell he's so handsome, she gulped shaking her head. 'This is not the time.' she scolded herself.

"Next time step on them instead, that little locust does not harm but they do to society." She spoke in sarcasm turning around towards her classroom.

"That bi**ch." yelled the second girl.

she felt like all the blood cells in her body decided to have a meeting in her face, "why didn't I shut my mouth." she whined in frustration, sitting in her seat she prayed to see him again however she knew for a fact that she left a really shitty first impression.

Willow sighed again deciding to focus on the exercise at hand.

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