Chapter 19

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"Ryker."She whispered shaking her head as tears started running down her cheeks.

With a forceful push against the wall, Willow felt lips on hers; she couldn't do anything in her state of shock. She only started fighting when his hands started exploring her untouched body. Willow started shaking in fear; her breathing became short and quick and that was enough hint for Ryker to stop his assault.

"You fooled all of us with the scenes you pulled to protect your honor." He spat; "Where is it huh? I don't see it."

"Because you don't know what honor is." She gritted through tears; stumbling back when he let go of her hands.

"Prove me wrong, wife."

"Not until you are man enough." She glared making her way towards the exit.

"You're not going anywhere on your own, I'm taking you home."

"My friends are waiting."

"Your friends left a long time ago, more like were kicked out."

"I can't believe you, Ryker. You freaking party seven days a week and when I do it; it becomes a matter of honor." She yelled in anger.

"That's life amore." He responded taking a long glance at her long slim legs.

"Wear this." He added handing her his jacket. "Also there's a bathroom there go fix your hair and eyes you're a mess." He pointed to his right.

"Is this where you spend your nights?" She asked inspecting the place around her; it looked clean and luxurious but she didn't like it.

"Sometimes. Any other question?"

Shaking her head Willow walked inside the bathroom; it was small but did the job. She took a glance at her face in the mirror hanging in front of her; Willow gasped in shock at the sight of her swollen lips. It was her first kiss, and here it goes away in a second of anger. Her wrists were bruised from his tight hold. Cursing under her breath she walked out.

"Look at this." She yelled showing her wrists.

"Be grateful I didn't do any further damage, I can hurt you in more ways." He glared; deep down it didn't settle well with him to hurt her or even yell at her but the tigress was pushing his buttons one after the other with her recklessness.

"Listen to me and listen very well; I will live my life the way I want. And, until you become a little more responsible you don't get to order me around. Am I clear?" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

"It's funny how you start crying whenever I touch you and in a matter of minutes you start spitting fire again. Do you have mental issues? I have a good therapist I can take you."

"I'm not kidding Ryker."

"Neither Am I willow; you render me speechless every time."

"Let's go home." She declared making her way towards the exit whilst calling Mike to ask about them.

"Or you know what, take me to the hospital." She changed her mind.

"You are not seeing that guy again." The moment he finished his sentence feminine hands made contact with his chest.

"You're tense." She whispered in his ears trying to get as close as possible.

Willow smirked getting an idea. Pulling the girl who's now seducing her husband by the hair; she landed a punch to her face and a high kick to her jaw before delivering another punch to her stomach that brought her to the floor. It happened too fast that Ryker didn't get to interfere or stop the little monster he called wife.

Stepping on her hand; she crouched to squeeze her throat, "Don't touch what's mine." She smiled; before making her way downstairs.

Ryker couldn't say a word; she so majestically repeated what he did to that guy and she had no fear doing so. The girl groaned in pain on the floor, but he didn't pay her attention as he made his way behind a smirking Willow.

Standing in front of his car she turned around, "We're even now." She winked in triumph; "Except for my first kiss, the one you took forcefully." She declared.

"Get in the car Willow; we'll talk about all of this later. Even, your first kiss." He nodded.

Fastening her seat belt she started again; "Take me to the hospital; I need to check on my friend." She vocalized.

"No Willow I said you won't see him again."

"Well, then you won't step foot inside that club again. Easy." She glared.

"Not up for question." He shook his head accelerating.

"Then not seeing my friend whom I have known for almost a decade is not up for question too."

"The way he was holding you is not friendly Willow." Spoke a now irritated Ryker.

"The way that girl was touching you wasn't friendly either Ryker. On top of that Zed has a girlfriend"

"I have a wife too." He looked at her; his hand making its way towards her bare thighs.

"Take your filthy hand off before I break it; God knows who these hands touched before me." She uttered in disgust.

"You really need to learn speech ethics. You say whatever comes to your mind." He shook his head in disbelief.

"Are you taking me to see my friend or not?"


"Then stop this car right here, I'll go on my own."

"You know! You are painfully stubborn. I still can do things you wouldn't like even in a car Willow." He threatened, earning himself a glare.

"Alright whatever helps you sleep at night, I'll check on him tomorrow." She shrugged.

Sour sweetnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora