Chapter 18

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Going home Willow took a quick shower before changing into her chosen outfit, a silk dress with white converse and a small handbag for her phone and wallet.

To her relief; Willow met nobody but guards on her way to the entrance door. Slipping outside she ran to the gates and hopped in Mike's car.

"Let's go." She cheered adrenaline kicking in.

"Let's go." Laughed; an excited Dina from behind.

"Girl I missed you, I was all alone today."

"I'm sorry Dina, what can I do. My in-law decided to punish me." She laughed. "I'm not complaining, I love this." She added opening the car window.

Breathing in freedom after so long; Willow sighed in relief.

"Willow I know what happened, Mike told me." Said a now concerned Dina.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

"Girl if I were you I'd fu*k him out of his nightlife. Be a girl for once, you need to protect that gem." She winked.

"Ew Dina, I don't want to hear this, Willow is my childhood friend." Whined; a disgusted Mike.

"Me neither." Commented Willow in pure discomfort.

"I'm just saying." Shrugged Dina.

"By the way, Zed is meeting us there too." Informed Mike; earning a broad smile from Willow.

After a long queue, they managed to get inside the club, beautiful indeed but too loud.

Her eyes glinted in happiness when she saw her dear friend Zed. She hugged him tight then proceeded sitting on one of the many couches around the dancing floor.

"How have you been?" Yelled Zed; trying to get his friend to hear him.

"I'm fine, you?" She voiced out loud.

Putting his thumb up; Zed smiled at her. "This is Dina, my new friend," Willow added; introducing them to each other.

Catching the interest of many gawking eyes; Willow felt uncomfortable. She decided to get closer to one of her friends and Zed was the nearest.

"What's wrong?" He asked noticing her discomfort.

"It's my first time in a club, and I don't feel safe. I shouldn't have accepted." She laughed sheepishly.

"You are fine Willow, we're here for you." Smiled Zed; putting a hand around her shoulder.

A waitress brought them drinks. While they ordered liquor; Willow decided to go for a soda.

They danced and laughed for what seemed like forever, Willow noticed that her friends were losing it especially Mike and Dina. So, she decided to sit back on their couch and just watch. Zed followed her shortly after.

If it wasn't for the unexpected presence she would've classified that night as lit.

Ryker was sipping on his whiskey; looking down at the dance floor from the VIP room he didn't believe what he saw at first. His Willow; sitting on a couch with a random male; sipping on her soda as he hugged her shoulders.

He felt hands hug him from behind as they made their way to his chest. "Leave." He ordered. Still, the girl didn't give up.

"I said leave." He roared pushing her away from his path.

Taking the stairs down between the sweating bodies; the young heir made his way towards his wife.

Willow's eyes focused on an expensive pair of shoes; looking up she choked on her soda.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in pure rage.

"I... I, the same thing you are doing!" She exclaimed in shock.

"Who are you?" Asked Zed; standing in front of his friend ready to provide protection.

"In fact, who are you to touch what belongs to me?" Seethed Ryker, before punching Zed right on the mouth.

Willow screamed in complete fear. Zed was about to punch back when Ryker's much bigger form pushed him to the ground and rained punch after punch on his sides and face.

"STOP! STOP!" She screamed. "I beg you to stop, you're angry at me not him. Leave him alone please." She pleads.

Glaring at her he spits "You will get it later."

Catching Zed by the neck he brought him up with one hand. "I don't want to see you around her again. Am I clear?" He yelled squeezing the guy's neck.

Willow interfered, getting between them, she hugged Ryker's waist "I beg you to leave him alone." She cried, "Please, please you are killing him. I will do anything just leave him alone."

Looking down at her Ryker let go of the guy's neck; grabbing her by the waist the heir of Hendrix's family shoved his bride on his shoulder and walked towards the VIP room. He was well aware of the attention they got. Yet, he didn't care for his anger blinded his sense of logic.

Throwing her on the comfortable couch Willow screamed in surprise.

"Why are you half-naked?" He asked burning holes on her legs. Willow didn't say anything, she didn't know what to expect; as much as she didn't want him to have any kind of control over her life here she found herself cowering in fear. If he could beat Zed to the edge of death then he certainly can do anything he wanted to her.

"I am talking to you woman, what are you wearing?" He yelled locking the door to not get disturbed.

"Willow I'm talking here." He seethed painfully squeezing her forearm.

"This is what Josephine wears for campus; I think it's appropriate for a club." She reasoned not daring to look up into his eyes.

"Then what I'm going to do is appropriate for a club too." He suddenly turned calm and composed which frightened her to an extent she hasn't thought existed until now.

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