Chapter 28

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"Do you think we'll be fine?" Asked an anxious Willow as she looked out of the car window.

"Yes, We will be so much better." He tried comforting her, kissing her left hand as he focused on the road.

They both felt lost, they were still strangers to each other. They both didn't know what's awaiting them; at least that's what Willow thought, and the one thing she was sure of, is that she doesn't trust the man sitting right next to her.

She felt violated from what happened earlier back in the mansion, she felt helpless and she hated that feeling. Tears flew down her cheeks as she remembered the violence that was inflicted on her. Sobbing in silence, she tried her best not to let the guy who messed her life know how hurt she is, yet to her dismay, Ryker heard her and stopped the car on the side of the road and looked into her teary eyes.

"I'm so sorry for what happened, and I'm sorry I couldn't protect you but I promise you that it will never happen again." He spoke as gently as he could muster.

"Your only fault was choosing to carry on with your father's decision and marrying me." She whispered her voice failing her again.

"Know that I don't regret that one bit and I will never feel guilty for doing it. However, I feel guilty for what you lived moments ago, it shouldn't have happened at all." He vocalized.

"Can't we go to grandma's?" She asked changing the whole topic as she knew carrying on with it won't take them anywhere, what happened already happened.

"No, we will bother her, I'm sure you don't want her to see you in such a state." He reasoned while the back of his right hand traced the now forming bruise on her left cheek.

His jaw flexed as he tightened his fist around the steering wheel, "We'll go to one of my hotels, we'll spend the night there if you like the penthouse we shall stay there if you don't we'll see what to do tomorrow. Does that suit you?" 

"I don't trust you." She breathed.

"You know I won't hurt you." He softened as he saw how uncomfortable and scared she looked, he was not used to this Willow, he wanted his strong sassy bride back.

"Still. I don't want to be alone with you." She spoke nervously as her fingers battled each other.

"If I wanted to consummate the marriage I would've done that already, alone or not. I took you out of the mansion to ensure your safety not to terrorize you." He explained.

Willow simply nodded and that was enough for him to start the engine again and drive to their destination.

Once they arrived at the hotel, employees bowed in respect as they walked in. They took their luggage down, and someone took cautious steps towards them, the word manager was written on the tag he wore.

"Hello, sir. The same suite as usual?" He asked 

Willow looked up to her now so-called husband as she shook her head in disbelief.

"No, bring me the penthouse card." He glared.

The manager nodded and ran away to fetch the desired card.

"Seems like you're used to bringing girls here." She scoffed.

"Yes, any problem?" 

"It's your life I don't care." She shrugged walking ahead of him towards the VIP elevator.

Stepping inside the so-called penthouse, her jaw almost dropped at how luxurious and beautiful it looked. 

They had their own kitchen, a bathroom and an immense living room, a beautiful dining room and a spare room, yet once she stepped foot inside the main room her mouth opened in awe as it looked just like the rooms in her dreams.

The room had a window wall that shows the beautiful sea in front of them, a private vast bathroom and a jacuzzi and finally comes the walk-in closet in sight.

This guy is REALLY wealthy, that's what she thought as she looked back to Ryker.

"Do you like it?" He asked hoping he would receive positive feedback.

"It's amazing, to be honest. But, how long will we stay here?" She asked 

"As much as you want" He shrugged

"I love it here" Vocalized Willow as she looked around her

"That's what matters the most. Are you hungry?" 

"I was, not anymore."

Ryker took his phone out and dialled a number, while Willow kept on exploring her surroundings.

"Bring us every type of snacks there is." He ordered.

"I'll help you unpack, then we can watch a movie if you want." He suggested earning a smile in return.


In came the snacks and they were still trying to get the walk-in closet as tidy as possible.

"Didn't your father say he will not make you inherit anything until you become responsible?" She asked as she hangs her red dress in its place.

"Yes, why?"

"Then how is this hotel yours?" She asked curiously, still hanging her clothes as he did the same to his suits and shirts.

"Well, long story short I inherited my mother's wealth."

"How so, what about Beth?"

"She did want it, in mom's will it was written that she wanted everything she owned to go to me."

"So your mother was a rich lady?"

"Without her, my father would never come this far." He smiled in disbelief.

His father was never nice to his mom, as much as she gave him power, wealth and society respect, he still didn't treat like a man should treat a woman.

"I heard you say he did what he did to me to your mom." She spoke almost inaudible as she afraid of hurting him.

"Yeah." He stopped what he was doing, looking at the jeans at hand, "He used to abuse her, on a daily basis." He opened up, closing his eyes as tight as possible in an attempt to un-hear her screams of pain.

Ryker felt a soft hand touch his much larger one, Willow took the jeans away from his clutch and hugged him to herself.

"I'm so sorry you had to live that." 

"It's okay, it was in the past. I'm sure she's in a much better place."

"Movie?" She smiled trying to cheer him up.

"Sure." He smiled at her cute attempt.

Willow's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of the home theatre room.

"Oh My God, this is insane." She breathed making a smile appear on his lips.

"Choose a movie." He winked.

"Hmm, let's watch some action. What about boyka undisputed?" She suggested.

"Wow isn't that too much violence for one day?" He asked in disbelief.

"Take it or leave it." She shrugged as she took her place in the middle of the oh so comfortable setting.

"Whatever you like." 

Ryker brought some fur covers along with snacks then started playing the movie as he sat right next to her.

"Do you like action that much?" He asked.

"Yeah, it relieves me. My childhood was a little bit of a mess and action was my escape." She shrugged looking intently ahead of her while Ryker studied every feature of her.

He felt the urge to hug her to his chest and tell her that everything will be fine for both of them or maybe he was the one who needed it most.

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