Chapter 9

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A day passed by and it was already weekend, Feline already chose a dress for her grandchild to wear. And, despite Mrs. Hendrix countless attempts to go shopping together for the long-awaited occasion-as she said-Feline refused strongly as she knew Willow would never agree and she would end up upsetting her even more.

Sitting in the cafeteria Willow sighed for the millionth time and as much as Dina and Mike tried to get her to talk she couldn't utter a single word about it.

"Excuse me; can I have a talk with her in private?" Asked a deep voice from behind Willow, she knew very well who it belonged to.

Dina wiggled her eyebrows teasing Willow while Mike just nodded dragging the girl with him.

Sitting comfortably on the chair next to her he smiled in triumph "Are you ready?" He asked but got no response as the girl next to him dwelled in self-pity.

"You look miserable, girl. Anyway, I guess they already informed you that you are moving to my room tonight." He vocalized it as if it meant nothing as if they both were excited for what was going to happen later that evening.

"WHAT?" Yelled a shocked Willow, standing up she threw the chair to the floor in the process. Everyone around them focused on what was happening. It already spiked their interest when the great Ryker asked to sit next to a girl. Usually, it's the other way round.

"As I said." He gave his signature smile.

"NO... It's not happening."

"Oh, and they told me to keep you by my side today. You know you can run away or something."

"Are you mafia or what?" she asked in disbelief, her anger was an ounce away from being freed.

"No, we're just wealthy." He smirked.

"I'm not leaving my house; your father said it's only on paper." She whispered the last part as he helped her sit on her chair again.

"Well, it didn't take much effort to convince him."

"Then it won't take you much effort to explain to him that I WON'T live with you."

"We need to leave." He changed the topic.

"No, we don't," Willow argued.

"Either you walk to my car or I'm in for a scene."

Willow shrugged daring him with her eyes as she crossed her arms under her chest.

"And so it's your way, Willow." He glared throwing her on his shoulder.

"Ryker Hendrix if you don't put me down right this instant." She threatened in anger as her world went upside down in every way possible.

"You will do what?" He smirked as Dina and Mike ran towards them.

"What's happening here?" asked a now angry Mike.

"None of your business boy." Glared a now pissed Ryker, the guy had the audacity to question him, not only is he roaming around his girl all the time and he's questioning his actions on top of that.

"Mike Mike. I will call you later. Don't do anything. I'm alright." She asserted pinching Ryker's back.

Willow found herself locked in the passenger seat as her new nightmare walking towards his door she glared daggers into his head.

"You should get pampered for the evening. My sister will help you." He winked.

"Ryker stop this sick game already. I'm not living under the same roof as you. It's not happening get it out of your brain." She explained trying to keep her temper under control.

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