Chapter 51

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Willow woke up to the scent of food, rubbing the sleep away from her eyes she looked around her.

"Good morning." She whispered before yawning.

"Good morning, beautiful." He responded putting on his shirt.

"What is this tray for?" She asked as she slowly got out of bed.

"You were in pain yesterday so I made them prepare breakfast for you, I know that you don't want to have breakfast with my family downstairs." He winked.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I'll eat outside." He shrugged spraying for his perfume.

"Come eat with me." She encouraged while putting a strawberry in her mouth.

"No, that's for you eat all of it, you need strength."

"Let's share, it's a lot and so you don't have to sit with them either." She reasoned.

"There are utensils for only one person." He noted, "I'll go bring more."

Willow stood up from her sitting position and walked toward him, this man did more than anyone did for her excluding her grandma. This morning when she woke up in pain around dawn and bled on the bed he woke up and took great care of her, he changed the sheets, made her something warm to drink and gave her space yet stayed there with her as if nothing happened.

Willow took him by the hand and led him to their bed to sit down, "thank you for this morning." She smiled, Ryker gulped in shock when she sat on his lap between his parted legs.

"It's nothing, taking care of you is my duty." He smiled.

"I know, but I woke you up and you had to help me around, you even changed the sheets for me." She reasoned. 

Willow knew that these are obligations, but this guy could've dodged his obligations like a good portion of men do. Looking at him she couldn't stop herself from being attracted to the man she was forced to marry, after all the loathing she couldn't bring herself to hate the man anymore.

She closed her eyes before initiating a peck. Ryker smiled at her behaviour, the same girl who cried in the bathroom because he touched her, the same girl who kicked him because he pinned her against a wall was now initiating intimacy.

"I thought you invited me for that breakfast, not this breakfast." He smirked.

"Ehm... Well, uh- let's start eating." She composed herself but couldn't control her blush.

"Sure." He devilishly grinned before lying her on the bed and hovering over her petite frame, his hands caressing her sides while his face buried in her neck.

"No, not now, Ryker. We should eat. I'm sure you have things to do." She reasoned with a smile on her face.

"Oh that I do, indeed and I'm doing these things as you see."

Willow giggled as he tickled her sides, "If only you weren't on your period." He commented before kissing her lips one more time and helping her sit upright so they could share the food.

"If you are feeling better let's go out on a date." He stated after the maid took the tray to the kitchen.

"I'll stay in bed today, I have a book I've been dying to read. Will you stay out too late?" She asked.

"I'll come back as soon as I finish, I'll make them bring you lunch up here." He winked wearing his watch.

"Your offer, can it wait until tomorrow?" She asked.

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