Chapter 5

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"Do you freaking know, WHO THAT GUY IS?" spoke an excited Dina.

"What guy?" asked a confused Willow.

"The one, you ate lunch with last week." Commented a disappointed Dina, "How could you forget, are you kidding me?" She added glaring.

"Oh, Ryker. Girl, it's not like I care. He disappears like salt. What about him?"

"He is the heir of Hendrix's family, do you know what that means?" she beamed earning herself a nonchalant response from a confused Willow.

"He owns this campus; his father is one of the most successful leaders in the business world."

"And so what?" asked a so uninterested girl.

"Willow, are you trying to kill me with cold blood or what, girl I'm telling you the guy is a billionaire."

"And I'm telling what does that have to add to me? He is a billionaire we are not."

"Let's go eat, I'm not discussing this with a stone head." Sighed an angry Dina walking towards the cafeteria.

From his spot, Ryker could see a laughing Willow as she sat in the cafeteria with her female friend and a new guy he didn't know, sipping on her juice she seemed happy and outgoing. Throughout the last week, Ryker had many things to deal with one of them is partying. As much as his father scolds him about his nightlife; Ryker doesn't seem to care. It seemed to his father that he wanted to go against his word for any price, and that's why Mr. Hendrix needed a quick solution for his son's reckless behavior.

Ryker broke his staring session, giving his attention to his now-talking guy friend Alex "Look at that beautiful thing bro, I haven't seen her around bet she's new." Ryker turned towards where his friend's eyes were fixed, composing himself he looked at the girl, Willow.

"And what's beautiful in that thing." Spoke a jealous blond girl.

"What are you threatened now?" Joked Alex to which Josephine rolled her eyes.

"I'm holding a party this Saturday; you should grace us with your presence Ryker." She spoke playing with her hair trying to catch his attention.

"We will see." He responded; his eyes fixed on Willow from behind his expensive glasses.

"Come on Mike, don't go you know I'm joking."

"Willow sweets you know I have classes too right? It's quite the drive." Informed Mike messing her hair.

Giving him a sad look, Willow spoke "drive safe then." Mike left immediately after hugging her.

The scene unfolding in front of Ryker didn't settle well with him, though he knew he has no saying in her life, it still bothered him, and the fact it bothered him annoyed him. Standing up he left the cafeteria towards his lecture with his friends especially Josephine, hot on his tail.

The day went on between classes and lectures. Sighing out loud Willow sat on a bench "This is exhausting for god sakes, why does it have to be this huge." She mumbled in annoyance.

"What specifically?" Asked a smirking Ryker coming from behind her.

"The campus." She responded giving her sore legs some attention.

"How have you been?" He questioned sitting next to her.

"If you are this curious why haven't you asked earlier?" She asked in disbelief.


"the cafeteria!"

"You were busy with that guy, didn't want to bother you." He voiced coldly.

"Huh, I smell something." She sniffed, "Something burning." Added Willow.

"I have to go." She stood up.

"Why so fast?"

"I have work." Informed Willow.

"Come, I will drive you there." Offered Ryker.

"No, thank you."

"Why are you so difficult? Or is it your tactic? Let's play hard to get, make him think I'm not like other girls. While I bet a girl like you sleeps around with-"He didn't get to finish his sentence before a hand made contact with his left cheek.

People passing by gasped at her behavior. "Don't you ever and I mean ever question my honor." She seethed.

"This." He pointed towards his cheek, "Will cost you A LOT." With that, he left.

For a whole week, Willow kept getting nasty stares from random people on campus. Ryker was out of sight as per usual.

"You didn't" Gasped a panicking Dina.

"He deserved it, good job Willow that's my friend." Praised Mike; patting her shoulder.

"If this is how guys think, I'm disappointed." She mumbled deep in thought.

Josephine stood in front of her, looking down on Willow.

"Is that how you gained his attention? With such aggressive behavior we should kick you out from the 'Female Realm' "Laughed the blond along with her minions.

"I guess you left your customs at home, minions." Teased Willow; looking behind Josephine.

"And for you miss 'Female Realm' queen, I don't seek attention. Unlike yourself." With a look up and down the figure standing in front of her, Willow stood up to leave the cafeteria.

"Not so fast." Commented Josephine; grabbing Willow's wrist.

"I suggest you remove your hand, she doesn't like strangers touching her." Warned Mike; earning himself a glare from an annoyed blond girl.

"I warned you." He informed raising his hands in surrender.

Twisting her hand in a swift movement, Josephine squealed in pain.

"He warned you." To Josephine's surprise, Willow smiled. "Don't play with me girl," uttered Willow.

Josephine put her phone in front of Willow's eyes making her see the picture people were sharing around. They captured the moment she slapped Ryker.

"His father -the owner of this campus- who offered you a scholarship is not happy. In fact, be prepared, uncle Hendrix is coming today." Informed the minx.

Willow paled what if they withdraw her scholarship for her reckless behavior. After all, she publicly insulted his son and the last thing she could imagine is a Mr. Hendrix praising her for her violence.

"I see you did your research concerning my background, that's flattering." Spoke Willow trying to sound unfazed yet, deep inside she was shaking in fear. She didn't know the man, she didn't know what to expect but she prayed he doesn't kick her out; she worked her heart off to gain the scholarship.

"Peasants like yourself shouldn't be accepted in such a prestigious campus."

Before having the chance to respond, she heard her name on the speaker. They were asking for her presence at the dean's office.

Gulping loudly, Willow looked at Mike in panic.

"Shall we run?" he asked

"N... No, Um I have to face this. Don't wait for me guys. I'll keep you updated." She whispered.

Walking towards her destination, Willow felt her heart racing, her knees shook. She hated not having control over what happens to her. All the worst scenarios went through her head but nothing prepared her for what was awaiting her on the other side of the door.

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