Chapter 25

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"What's wrong?" Asked Ryker while taking off his shirt and changing into a more comfortable one.

"Nothing, I was thinking about what I did to Josephine." She sighed again looking at the ceiling above her.

"Try to control your reactions from now on." He advised.

"Same goes to you, at least I have a reason but you didn't have one when you beat Zed to a pulp." She glared his way.

"I had one, want to know what it is?" He asked striding towards the bed.

Willow didn't move an inch trying to know what he was planning to do, her body failed to get up. Hovering over her frame he whispered in her left ear "He touched my girl, I don't like it. Isn't that enough reason?"

"Ay let go and leave if you finished I need to change my clothes too."

"Go ahead and do it, I'm not leaving. You have the whole walk-in closet for yourself." He spoke nonchalantly throwing himself on the bed next to her as he sighed in content.

"Long time since I slept on a bed." He commented while turning to look at her as she immediately stood up leaving towards the closet.

"You can sleep on your bed tonight." She spoke from inside.

"Really? What about you?" He asked in excitement.

"I want to sleep with grandma Feline, I miss her." She informed while busy changing her clothes.

"I wonder when you'll miss me." He spoke sarcastically.

"Would you like to go out for a swim later after having lunch?" He asked.

"It's getting colder Ryker." She shook her head.

"We have a covered pool; come on it'll be fun." He smiled trying to get on her better side.

"Alright, I miss swimming." She grinned going inside the closet once again to choose a swimming suit.

While she was busy choosing her swimming outfit for later; her phone buzzed.

"You received a notification, Willow." Informed Ryker from his lying position on the bed.

Willow walked out of the walk-in closet and towards her phone, unlocking it the message was from an unknown number.

"I don't know this number." She mumbled with a frown on her face.

"Show me." He interfered; Willow didn't hesitate before giving him his phone.

"It's Josephine." He informed after checking the number on his phone.

"What did she say?" Asked Willow; while playing with the ring on her finger.

"She said if you don't apologize in front of everyone she will take the footage to the police." He laughed at the end of the sentence.

"Oh Willow you should apologize." He added sarcastically handing her the phone.

"Why is she dumb?" She asked in disbelief before throwing herself on the bed next to him; face first as she supported her weight with her elbows.

Not long after she spoke Ryker started talking on the phone "You will delete the footage of last time's fight and today's fight in the cafeteria and if I know that you leaked any of it to someone, you won't be around for too long." He ordered so calmly sending a chill down his girl's spine, she really didn't know what this family is capable of doing. If this guy is threatening people without a second thought he for sure has something to lean on.

"Thank you." She whispered still shocked at how fast this man turns from cool and chill to threatening and vicious.

"Ignore her, that'll get on her nervous." He informed putting a hand under his head.

"That's what I'm going to do, she really doesn't deserve my energy." She sighed. "But what if she already has the footage?" She added almost panicking.

"She can't harm you; you are married to Ryker Hendrix baby girl." He winked before standing up as the proximity and the position was playing tricks on his mind.

Willow sighed doing the same before walking towards the door and dragging him with her to the kitchen where her grandmother made mouthwatering shrimp pasta.

Getting closer to the kitchen they heard Silvia talking inside, Willow fastened her pace waiting in front of the entrance to hear what was happening inside before she could decide on what she is going to do.

"You think by selling your daughter to my husband's son you can stay here and have fun in my kitchen? Who gave you the right to use my things and walk around my house as you please? You imposed your crazy grandchild on us and now you want to live here as well getting oh so comfortable in someone else's territory?"

Willow let her finish her speech before throwing a glass right next to her from behind, shattering it into pieces.

Silvia jumped in fright while Ryker took a seat to watch what his girl is going to do to the woman he despised the most and if needed he would give her a hand in terrifying her.

Taking steady steps towards the fake woman, Willow's face held nothing but rage.

"Didn't you think about what her crazy grandchild might do to you before treating my granny this way?" She spoke through gritted teeth as Ryker made his way towards a worried Feline, for him she didn't seem fine and she needed a cup of water right away.

"I can rip your face apart and cut your tongue, you want to try me?" Threatened Willow; as she quickly fetched a knife from the counter right next to her.

"I... I didn't, didn't mean to, to ... to harm her, please put the knife away." Cried the older woman as she leaned against the wall trying to get as far as possible from the knife in the girl's hand.

"I am the young mistress of this household, being married to the heir of the Hendrix family I have a say if my granny stays here or not. This is not your own house, it's everyone's." Spoke a now calm Willow shocking the woman she pinned against the wall while her husband helped her grandmother drink water.

Willow stepped back throwing the knife on the counter as Silvia ran outside the kitchen and towards her room, she was too traumatized to leave the door unlocked.

"Grandma, are you alright? Did she do anything before my arrival? Why didn't you defend yourself?" She asked the question after the other. Willow noticed how Ryker took care of her grandmother and that alone made her respect him even more.

"She didn't do anything, but you cannot treat elders that way Willow, I didn't raise you to be a gangster. It's not acceptable." She scolded sitting on a chair with Ryker's help.

"If I didn't do that, she would repeat the same show next time." Shrugged Willow while looking down.

"Come, I prepared the table for you. I'm sure you're hungry." Spoke Feline trying to stop shaking from what happened just seconds ago.

Walking towards the kitchen's table, they both sat next to each other, "Grandma come sit with us." Spoke Ryker.

"She's MY grandma Ryker." Glared Willow amusing the once worried grandmother.

"But hands down, you were cool. Silvia was terrified, man." Laughed Ryker.

"She saw nothing." She shook her head munching on her pasta.

"Oh this is so delicious, grandma Feline I would give anything to eat this again."

"Don't give anything; I can make it whenever you want."

"Thank you so much." He smiled her way before Willow started talking.

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