Chapter 24

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"What do you want?" Asked an annoyed Willow stuck between Josephine and her minions.

"Girls you can leave, I want to talk to her." Spoke Josephine sending her friends back to their table as they were gathered in the cafeteria for breakfast.

"What's happening between you and Ryker? I saw your picture hanging together at the mall." Asked a now glaring blond girl.

"The strong girl role doesn't suit you, hypocrite. And what we do with our lives is up to us; stop stalking." Teased Willow enjoying getting on the girl's nerves.

"Listen here, Ryker is mine you should stay away from him." She threatened

"Hmm, that's why he doesn't care about you as much as you run after him, because you are pathetic." Responded a chill, Willow.

Suddenly the sound of a slap echoed through the cafeteria, Willow was taken aback as she held her right cheek in shock, how dare she slap her?

Grabbing her hair in a tight fist Willow dragged the girl down in pure rage.

"Let go you barbarian, let go." Screamed Josephine but Willow was nowhere near satisfied.

"Willow. LET. GO." Yelled Ryker as he strode towards her and untangled her from a really messy blond girl.

"She started it first, she slapped me." Whined Willow.

Without a second word, Ryker dragged his wife outside the cafeteria towards an empty classroom.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked in pure anger.

"She started it I said." She spoke tears gathering in her eyes threatening to spill.

"How many times do you need to be punished to stop fighting in campus? Willow, there are cameras everywhere around here." He reasoned

"Why are you yelling at me and not at her, I did nothing wrong. She was the one who started everything."

"She's nothing to me why would I yell at her? It's her own business but you belong to me."

After a pause of thinking and processing what he said she started again, "I belong to me, I'm mine." She glared before striding towards the door, right when she was about to reach the doorknob his hand turned her around and his frame caged her against the closed door, Ryker didn't lose a second to connect their lips and unlike the last time, to his surprise, his spitfire didn't struggle against him but actually tried to cooperate, which secretly made him happy.

Meanwhile in the girl's restroom sat a crying Josephine as her minions tried to comfort her.

"Why did he yell at her and not me?" She cried, "He didn't even acknowledge my existence." She wept louder.

Looking up in his eyes she cleared her throat trying to compose her beating heart, "There are... Cameras everywhere you said." She spoke in panic as she looked around the corners of the classroom.

"So what?" He smirked.

"Ah, this is embarrassing." She held her hair in a tight grip.

"Don't you have classes?" He asked all his attention was on her parted cherry lips.

"Yes, I do." She lied running out of the classroom trying to find Dina.

They finally got home and she couldn't wait for a second further as she opened the door of his car and ran towards the entrance of the mansion hoping to face her grandma's cheerful eyes as she steps foot inside the place.

Willow ran towards the living room to find nobody other than Silvia.

"Why are you running?" Asked an annoyed mistress.

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