Chapter 27

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" Did you really have a problem or you just want to drag me to some party like always?" Questioned a serious heir.

"Come on now, why would I do that?" responded Alex sheepishly.

"Because I doubt a descendant of a rich family would run out of gas." Smirked Ryker, well aware of his friend's tactic.

"Well, you caught me red-handed. Josephine wants us present at her party."

"What's the occasion?" asked a now annoyed Ryker.

"No occasion, you know Josephine." Shrugged Alex while lighting up a cigarette.

"Well, I already have plans. Maybe next time." Spoke Ryker pushing the bottles of fuel to his friend, "The gas you ran out of." He teased before retreating to his car and heading back to his Willow.

"You will regret this, we will have a lot of fun." Yelled Alex.

Ryker just ignored him and sped off to Hendrix's mansion.

If he knew Alex would keep on lying about such matters he would've never gone to his rescue, leaving that thought back in his mind he started thinking about potential destinations he would take Willow to.

Deep down, the great Ryker Hendrix was excited to go on another date with his beautiful partner.

Stepping inside the mansion's entrance, Ryker didn't pay attention to anything but the stairs he had to take to reach his wife and go on their late-night adventure.

Reaching the doorknob of his bedroom he heard a faint flinch, getting confused he stepped inside with a swift movement. His Willow would never flinch from just a door opening!

Looking around him, his heart sank as he looked at a crouched Willow.

Taking cautious steps towards, he was afraid, he didn't want to know what happened to her yet he had to.

"What happened?" He asked in an urgent tone.

Willow didn't make an effort to even look at him, she was deep in thought.

"Willow?" Asked a now restless Ryker as he heard her cry, taking her chin between his fingers, he made her look at him.

It was obvious that someone slapped her quite roughly, her hair was all over the place and her eyes screamed both pain and anger.

"I'm talking to you, please answer me." He vocalized.

When he knew she won't respond, he gathered her in his embrace in a bridal style before he flinched when she winced. This was all familiar, and his fear grew by the passing second.

Putting her down to stand on her feet, he demanded, "Raise your dress."

Willow immediately took a step back, his tone threatening her already nonexistent comfort.

"I said raise your dress, Willow. Please." He spoke a little calmer trying to control his rage as it wasn't dedicated to her but the person who inflicted this on her.

With shaking hands, Willow raised her dress to her hips. She couldn't stop herself from crying, this was indeed too heavy for her.

Holding his head between his hands, Ryker sand to the floor right in front of a now shocked bride. Nasty bruises were forming on her hips and the back of her legs.

"Who did this?" He asked menacingly as his eyes showed nothing but pure fury.

"Your father." She whispered, not intentionally but her voice failed her.

Standing up, he walked towards the door in a hurry. Willow ran after him stopping him by holding into his wrist.

"What are you going to do?" She asked in fear.

"Listen to me, I will send you two maids to help you pack, we will leave this place tonight. When I come up again, I want you to be ready. Alright?" He asked in a gentle tone while wiping the tears away from her beautifully flushed cheeks.

"Where are we going?" She asked in a panic.

Ryker hugged his bride to his chest as he responded, "Somewhere safe."

Willow nodded as he kissed the top of her head before leaving the room.

As promised the maids showed soon after he left and started packing for them as she assisted them. The three ladies flinched as they heard things crash downstairs.

"Who gave you permission to touch her?" He yelled sending the dinner plates to the ground.

"Didn't I tell you she is my responsibility and if she does anything it's me with whom you should talk?" He yelled again making Silvia jump in fear on her seat.

"Do not forget that I'm the one who offered her to you, she's here because I want her to be here." Glared Mr. Hendrix.

"My wife won't suffer what my mother suffered, do you hear me?" He yelled again sending a chair flying towards the dining room's entrance.

Hearing that Beth started crying unintentionally as she remembered what her dear mother had to go through because of an anonymous woman her father worshiped.

"Now tell me what made you bruise her that way?" He asked in rage.

"We all know how disrespectful she is. I won't tolerate her bullying your stepmother." glared Mr. Hendrix as he sat composed on his chair.

Ryker smirked as his father just confirmed once again how much of a snake this Silvia woman could be.

"Your wife was the one who bullied mine first and it was right in front of my eyes, she was bullying grandma Feline saying that she doesn't want her to be in her so-called mansion along with other bullshit. Well done father, well done." Smirked Ryker once again as he saw guilt in his father's eyes.

Mr. Damon knew for a fact that Silvia lied to him judging from her creation to what his son confessed and she knew that she was in trouble.

Leaving towards his room, he found his Willow all ready to leave and for the first time she didn't question what he was doing, he figured this must be what she really wanted as well. In the end, It wasn't only him craving to be set free from the hell hole they call a mansion.

Taking their luggage down they were ready for their next journey, or at least that's what they thought.

Beth ran towards them pleading them to not leave, "You know we can always find a solution right? I know that what happened is not acceptable but please don't leave." She cried while her husband the dean hugged her to his side.

"I need to leave Beth, I can't leave this unpunished, I don't want what happened to mom to happen again." He vocalized.

"You are right Ryker, I guess it's time you take responsibility and start acting according to it. I trust you." Reasoned his in-law.

"We will see each other on a daily basis Beth don't be sad, it's not like I came home that often." He smiled trying to cheer his only sister up.

Willow took a step towards her sister-in-law and hugged her, "I'm so sorry Beth." She apologized.

"No Willow I'm the one who should be sorry for what my dad and his wife did."

Willow just nodded giving her a knowing smile telling her that it wasn't her fault.

Taking the luggage to his car, they both embarked on a journey they were ready for or perhaps not. 

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