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"It's really cold out here today," Sugawara said, raising his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. His gray hair glowed silver in the winter sunlight.

Yachi shivered. "Y-yea. I-I can't believe y-you guys can still practice in this weather," she agreed.

Hinata grinned. "I wouldn't stop playing volleyball, even if the whole world caught on fire. I care more about volleyball than my own life," he beamed. He looked extremely proud for some reason.

Tsukishima rubbed his hands together. "Obviously you care more about volleyball than your own intelligence. No wonder you're so stupid."

"You call me stupid, yet you're the one who forgot to bring gloves! Stupid Tsukishima!"

Diachi finally arrived. He took out the keys and unlocked the gym. "Wow! It's literally snowing. Hey guys," he greeted as he pushed the door open. Everyone nodded at him, too busy trying to get in first to reply.

Kageyama glared at Hinata. "Boke Hinata! You're stepping on my shoe."

"Then get out the way, Bakayama!" Hinata jumped forward, making him the first one in the gym.

Kageyama rolled his eyes, but was smiling when he pushed himself inside the gym. Yachi gave a relieved sigh. The gym was much warmer than outside. Asashi and Diachi had been sure to cover the windows. That way, no snow would've blown it's way inside.

Nishinoya sneezed. Tanaka was behind him, removing the scarf he had wrapped around his neck. He gave Nishinoya a suspicious look. "You sick, bro?"

The libero scoffed. "Me? Sick? Never," he said, grinning. He ran up to Hinata and began jumping up and down. "Yo! We're having a practice match." Everyone knew this, but everyone also knew Hinata probably didn't.

"Really?" the tangerine gasped. "With who? Is the team good? Like super good?"

Yamaguchi was pulling his gloves off. He glanced at Hinata. "We don't know yet. Coach Ukai just told us we have a practice match and that was it."

Hinata smiled eagerly. "We're gonna win, no matter how good they are," he said, filled with confidence. 

"You better." They all turns to see the coach enter, Takeda and Kiyoko behind him. He scowled. "We've lost to Nekoma enough times already."

"Nekoma? We're going against Nekoma?" Hinata squealed. His hazel eyes shone with excitement.

Takeda nodded. "I managed to request a rematch. We lost the last practice match so badly, it bummed you guys for days. We're also getting one with Fukurodani, since they have a match with Nekoma around we have ours."

"Thank you, sensei," the volleyball club said together. They were all grinning like fools. Last time, they had lost four to twenty five on their second set. They were angry at both themselves and each other, knowing they could've done better.

Instantly Takeda got flustered. "I didn't do anything! It was just luck," he babbled.

Kiyoko tied her hair into a ponytail. She smiled. "That's not how they see it. To them, it's another chance of victory."

"KIYOKOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Nishinoya called.

"KIYOKO-SAN!!" Tanaka added.

They both ran up to her with open arms. She ducked. "I'm taken," she joked. They hit the floor with a thud, and lay there, speechless. Kiyoko tossed her head back and laughed.

"Why do you look so happy, dumbass?" Kageyama asked, punching Hinata's head.

The bean yelped in pain and glared at him. Then he smiled the brightest smile in the world. "I can't wait until I tell Kenma! We're gonna win this match, just you wait," he said.

Kageyama couldn't help but smile too. Tanaka ruffled Hinata's hair while Nishinoya jumped around him. The other's grinned. They had high hopes for the trip to Tokyo. "Just make sure your grades are alright," Daichi reminded.

Hinata, Tanaka, Kageyama, and Nishinoya crumbled to the floor.

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