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Hinata had longed for the feeling of the ball hitting his hand. He missed jumping high into the air. He missed the sound of his teammates cheering him on. He smiled to himself. Now he finally had that feeling back. He'd missed so much.

He had especially missed seeing his best friends eager face whenever they played against each other. 

Was he going to miss this warm feeling?


Speak of the devil. Where was he? Hinata looked around, but was surprised he couldn't find the voices owner. Was he in the crowd?

"Shoyoooo." This voice was different. Nishinoya's. He looked for the libero he admired, and was surprised when he wasn't in the fancy gym anymore. He was in a black room.


Instantly Hinata's world shattered. He could hear the sound of breaking glass. With a gasp, he opened his eyes. "Ha, I knew that would work," Tanaka praised himself. The tangerine sat up and stared at his hand. The tingle from hitting the volleyball was still there, but the red wasn't there anymore. He sighed.


"How long was I out?" he asked, looking up at his friends.

Nishinoya shrugged. Tanaka was busy trying not to laugh about something. Kenma looked like he regretted being here. "A minute probably," he answered.

"Good! I can still practice. Kageyama should be coming in four minutes," Hinata chirped, jumping to his feet. "Sorry about passing out. Maybe the cookie finally decided it wanted to kill me."

Tanaka snorted. "Really? Kenma looks perfectly healthy. I don't think it was the cookie." He lowered his voice, grinning. 'Don't you find it funny how you passed out when he-"


Kenma helped him up, which Hinata was grateful for. His leg was aching. But he didn't find the reason to tell anyone. Shortly after a minute, Kageyama burst through the door.

"You're late~" Hinata sang.

Kageyama threw a snowball at him. It misses Hinata by a lot. The throw was so bad it didn't hit Hinata at all, and hit Kenma instead. The setter stared blankly at his foot, as a piece of snow plopped next to it.

Tanaka and Nishinoya laughed, while Kageyama was angry he missed. Hinata was fighting the urge to laugh. "Are you okay?" he asked.

With a shuddering sigh, Kenma looked at him. "It's cold."

Noooooooooo, that face. Kenma looked so... crushed. Hinata had to cover his mouth. He shook his head, clearing out his mind. "Well, it is snow," the tangerine said. He brushed the remaining flakes off Kenma's head.

"Stoooooooooooooooop. It's so gayyyyyy," Nishinoya whispered. Hinata and Kenma (and even Kageyama, or he was just glancing their direction) flashed him a glare.

Hinata eagerly glanced at Kageyama. "Can we practice now?" His friend smiled, just as eager to even get the chance to feel the ball again, and nodded. Hinata cheered.

Since the tangerine couldn't jump, he was going to practice receiving instead. He took position next to Nishinoya, while Tanaka rubbed his hands. Kenma just stood there, holding a volleyball, with a blank face.

When they were ready, Kenma tossed the ball to Kageyama. The blue haired boy got in position, tensing up as he preparing to set for Tanaka. He gave a pretty good looking toss. Tanaka hit it with ease, grinning.

It was heading Hinata's direction.

The small boy narrowed his eyes, all his concentration on the ball. He let himself shift a few steps. He could feel Nishinoya staring at him, ready to save the ball if he made a mistake. Hinata stretched out his arms and...

Perfect! The ball hit against his arm perfectly, jumping back into the air. Tanaka hit hard, and the force almost knocked Hinata over. But he was easily able to roll backwards onto his feet. He felt a large smile form on his face.

He winced as his foot protested against his actions. But Hinata had the urge to continue. It was just so awesome!

"Yeay! Good job!" Nishinoya cheered. They slapped a high-five.

Tanaka was clapping dramatically. Kageyama was shifting impatiently, while Kenma twirled a ball in between his hands. Nekoma's setter bit his lip, as if he was deep in thought. He was quickly brought snapped out of it when Kageyama yelled for another round.


*Double upload at 3am in the morning? How suspicious~

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