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Kenma felt weirdly smug when Hinata accepted his deal. Sugawara was fanning himself, saying something about sails. He could tell Kageyama was irritated.

"Why?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at Hinata.

Hinata crossed his arms. "Because Kenma is a better setter than you are," he said. Kageyama's aura darkened. "And because your bossy, boring, and think you're the best. The triple B's"

"That doesn't even exist, dumbass. Besides, you're the triple A's," Kageyama shot back.

"And what's are those?"

Kageyama smirked. "Annoying, aggravating, and antagonizing."

Hinata clicked his teeth. "At least I'm the A's and not the B's. That means I'm first. You're second," he retorted.

"You know what else A stands for? Assho-"

Sugawara covered his mouth, smiling a evil smile. "Watch your mouth~" he said sweetly.

Daichi cracked his knuckles. "What did I say about arguing?"

As he played on his switch, Kenma had to admit he liked the vibe of Karasuno more than Nekoma's. Yes, both teams were loud, and chaotic. However, Karasuno wasn't nosy like his team was. He could play his games peacefully, without Kuroo coming out of nowhere, and being a fuckass.

Tanaka tilted his head curiously. "Hey, are you and Kenma in a relationship?" he asked suddenly.

I take it back.

Nishinoya gasped. "I've been wondering that too! You two have been hanging around each other 24/7. Are you secretly dating or something?" he pressed. Sugawara started fanning himself again.

"NO," Hinata and Kenma both snapped at the same time. Kenma couldn't help but be grateful he had long hair, and that he was looking down, covering any blushes that were visible.

Tanaka let out a, "Mhm", while Nishinoya snapped his fingers ,and swung his hips. Hinata choked, then swung his head back, laughing.

"I'm going to go practice with my team," Kenma muttered. He didn't want to be here anymore.

Hinata stopped laughing, and turned his head, wiping tears from his eyes. "Mk. Meet us after school if you still want to practice."

Kenma nodded before making his escape.

He was playing his switch when he walked to his team side of the gym. Some were still upset about the idea of sharing the gym, but most were okay with it. Kenma wrinkled his nose, still not looking up. It smells like sweat.

"Oh look, it's Kyanma," Kuroo cooed. "Back from spending time with your-"

"Shut up before I throw you off the face of this earth," the setter snapped. He brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear, and glared up at his friend.

Kuroo pretended to be hurt. "Why would you say such things?" he pouted.

Yuki looked up from tying his shoelaces. "Because you're annoying?" he suggested. Kuroo facepalmed.

"What does Yaku have against me?"

"You say something?" the libero asked, looking up from stretching. "I heard my name." Kuroo glared at him, and his teammate glared back.

Lev ran up to the them, holding a ball. "Hey, Kenma-san! Can you give me a toss?" he begged. He looked excited.

Kenma made a face. "But you make all my tosses look bad." Lev gave him a confused expression. "You always miss them," he added.

"I- You- I'M STILL LEARNING!" Lev sputtered.

"Ha, you sound like Chibi-Chan. He always shouts 'I'm still growing' when I call him short," Kuroo wheezed. Lev glared at him, making him laugh harder.

Lev sighed. "Please?"

I just want to play my game, Kenma thought. He gave a frustrated frown. But I guess it can be a warm up, since I'm practicing with Hinata later. He sighed, and turned his switch off. Kuroo reached his hand out. With a look of disgust, Kenma gave the switch to him.


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