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Hinata's happy expression could take literally anyones breath away. Kenma nodded. "Thanks. You're the best," the tangerine exclaimed.

Oh god. I can everyones smartass comments now. Kenma flicked his hand, a gesture telling Hinata to follow him, and left the room. His mom looked up when they entered the kitchen. "Oh? Who's this?" she asked curiously.

"A friend," Kenma replied, sliding into one of the chairs. Hinata greeted her and introduced himself, before sitting next to him.

His mom flashed Hinata a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'm glad Kenma has friends other than Kuroo. He's such a strange boy, you know." She started making them plates. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

Kenma fought back a groan. He wasn't strange. He just hated socializing. It was dumb, and extremely tiring. Hinata didn't look like he was paying attention though. He looked eager to eat. Kenma smiled. Then tried to hide his face when Hinata turned to look at him.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I don't know what your talking about," Kenma said.

His mom placed the two plates of food in front of them. They thanked her before digging in. When they were done, Kenma made sure he was prepared for another [horrible] day of school, and then they were off. Kenma stayed close to Hinata in case the tangerine fell of his crutch. He was actually handling it better than the day before.

"Ohohohohoho~ What is this?" Kuroo cooed. He slid next to Hinata, ignoring Kenma's glare. "What are you doing at Kyanma's place?"

The middle blocker jumped, and probably would've fell, if Kuroo didn't had a hand on his shoulder. "Rooster head, hi! You scared the crap out of me," he greeted. "I spent the night."

Kuroo grinned at Kenma. "Oh?"

"We were playing a game, and he fell asleep," the setter snapped, irritated.


"Oh, that reminds me! Lev told me he had the same one and added me! Do you have it too, Kuroo?" Hinata chirped, showing the idiot his phone. At least it saved Kenma from destroying Kuroo's entire existence.

"Actually, I do." He took Hinata's phone and began typing his username in. Kenma clicked his tongue. When did everybody have the game? I told Hinata about it because I wanted to play with him, not- NOOOOOOOOO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU BRAIN? Was he really jealous? Of such a small thing?

He felt their stares, and turned to glare at them. "What?" Kenma growled.

"Are you okay? Your face is red," Hinata observed, pointing at him. "Do you have a fever?"

"It's just hot. Don't worry about me," Kenma muttered.

"Hot? In winter?"

Kuroo snickered. "He's gay panicking. You see, what he means is, he thinks you're-"

"SHUT UP!" Kuroo dodged a snowball. He burst out laughing as Kenma glared at him, enraged. Hinata looked confused. 

They finally got to the school. As expected, all three of the schools were getting prepared to watch/play the practice match. Bokuto looked up from filling his water. "HEY HEY HEY. Bro, Kenma, and my best pupil. How are y'all today?"

Yaku, who was next to him, drank his water judgingly.

"Hey, bro. Chibi-Chan spent the night at Kenma's place," Kuroo greeted, giving his best friend a hand shake. Yaku spit out his water, and Bokuto gasped.

"Bold," Bokuto praised.

Hinata tilted his head. "How is that bold?"

Bokuto gave him a confused expression, and Kuroo shook his head sadly. "Nothing happened," he muttered in disappointment. Bokuto looked sad. Kenma was trying to keep his cool, cursing himself for forgetting his switch.

Yaku smiled. "Hey Captain, guess what?" he said. Kuroo glanced at him, and he threw his water bottle at him. It hit him in the forehead. "I get why Kenma hates you now."

He walked off before Kuroo could reply, calling to Lev to help him with something. "If nothing happened, why is Hinata wearing Kenma's jacket?" Bokuto asked.

"It's not mine. Anymore." Kenma was looking around for any escape routes. This time, both Kuroo and Bokuto gasped.

"YOU GAVE IT TO HIM?" Kuroo squealed. He strangely sounded like a girl.

Hinata, who looked awkward as hell, nodded. "I like Nekoma's jackets; I think they're cool. Anyway, have you guys seen Daichi? I need to tell him where I've been," he said.

Bokuto gave him a victory smile. "I'm proud of you, Shoyo. You know how to win everyone's hearts."


"He's over there." Kenma pointed to the brown haired Captain, who was talking to Sugawara and the long haired dude. Hinata gave him a smile of thanks before escaping. From Kuroo and Bokuto's grins, and Lev, who was jogging toward them, Kenma knew the conversation was far from over.

Take me with you. Please.

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