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It was after school and Kenma wanted to disappear. His brain hurt. His body hurt worse. Hell, his existence hurt.

Sadly he had promised to practice with some of Karasuno's teammates. The setter trudged toward the gym, his mood gloomy. He opened the door. "You should do it now!" Nishinoya was saying, bouncing around Hinata.

The tangerine was flustered and blabbering his head off. "You guys are crazy! Why would I do that? It could kill him-"

"We know you're just trying to make excuses, young one. But nothing will get you out of this. My sisters cookies aren't going to waste," Tanaka said.

"You sound like an old man!" Hinata snapped, looking frustrated. Tanaka lost his balance and fell. Nishinoya burst out laughing. "I'll just eat them. You gave them to me anyway."

Nishinoya helped his friend up, who looked on the verge of crying. "Sharing is caring," the libero protested.

Tanaka reached forward. "If you don't do it, I'll give it to him, and say it's from you."

Hinata pulled his arm away, and Kenma realized the tangerine had a box in his hand. He held onto it tightly. The box was actually started to fold, as Hinata tried to keep the taller boy away. "I said noooo," he whined, pushing against the baldys chest with his free hand.

Kenma could've used this chance to escape. He could be walking home right now, playing his switch, and preparing for a long nap. Maybe he would be buying snacks for another all nighter. Instead, he frowned, and spoke up. "I can eat them if you want." It clearly looked like none of them wanted whatever was in the box, and Hinata didn't want to give it away.

The group of three froze.

Kenma shoved his hands into his pockets awkwardly as six eyes stared at him. Why had he said that? He couldn't care less about some weird box snack.

Nishinoya snickered. "Oh, yes, that would be awesome. Hinata can give it to you~" he cooed.

"Uh, okay?" Kenma replied. Why did the libero look so smug about Kenma eating the snacks? Oh god- Was it poisoned?

"WHAT? Why don't you do it?" Hinata argued, shoving the box towards his seniors. "You accepted."

Tanaka glared at him. "You called me old. This is your punishment."

Hinata frowned. "I said you SOUNDED old. There's a difference. Besides, I really want to play, and you guys are making it harder for me."

"You're making it harder for yourself. Just give him the cookies," Nishinoya said.

As the three began arguing again, Kenma rolled his eyes. Omygod, why am I here? He sighed. Oh well, he might as well play his switch. But as he started his game, and began level one, their arguing became more and more annoying.

He turned off his game, placing it gently on the floor. Then Kenma got up. Camly, he walked to the three. He grabbed Hinata's arm, which the tangerine had been moving dramatically, trying to shove the box toward them, and grabbed the object. Kenma opened it, took a suspicious looking cookie, and ate it.

"It's gross," he simply reported.

Again, all three of the Karasuno members stared at him. Hinata's knees actually buckled, and the only reason hadn't fallen was because Kenma still had a firm grip on his arm.

Without another word, the setter gave Tanaka the box. At least it was quiet now. No more annoying bickering.

Kenma was about to let go off the tangerine, when suddenly the orangehead staggered. "Hey, you okay?" Nishinoya asked. Tanaka was still frozen, as if he hadn't finished processing a final reaction.

But he was quickly snapped out of it when Nishinoya spoke. "What happened?"

"I think Nekoma's setter was so hot Hinata stopped functioning," Nishinoya told him. Kenma gave him a look.

The tangerine didn't look like he was dying or anything. He just looked super tired, his eyes drooping, and his face slightly flushed. Like he had a fever.

"I think he's fine," Tanaka said.

Hinata let out a really long sigh. Proving his friend wrong, he passed out.

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