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Kenma couldn't breath. He was tired, and it was only the second set hadn't even started yet. They were allowed to take a break and drink some water.

He felt Nishinoya's suspicious glare as he picked up his water bottle. The coaches had called the two schools before Nishinoya could question him any further. Hinata had escaped while Uakai separated students. Now the tangerine sat on the gym floor, watching the practice match eagerly.

Hinata had took off the jacket and tied it around his waist. Probably because he wanted to hide the fact he was wearing a Nekoma jacket, instead of the Karasuno jacket. He looked cute. Kenma sighed, and sat on the bench. He stared at his water bottle.

Inuoka glanced toward Kenma and nearly dropped his water. "He looks extremely focused. Should we be scared right now? I think we should run."

"What are you thinking about?" Yamamoto asked curiously.

Honestly, Kenma was thinking about how he was going to handle his emotions. Did it really look like he liked Hinata? When was Kuroo going to shut up about it? How was he going to handle being told he had a crush, or teased, or other annoying stuff people do? Ugh, society. 

"How to cause humanities extinction," Kenma answered.

Inuoka dropped his water again. "YEA, LET'S RUN," he said cheerfully, and skirted somewhere farther. "Listen Kenma, I'll buy you a snickers bar."

Kenma made a face at him. A whistle got everyone's attention. It was time for the second set to begin. He groaned. 

Yay. Hell.


"I can't believe we lost," Lev whined, wiping sweat off his face with a towel. "We were doing so well."

Bokuto ran his hands through his black and white hair. "What do you expect? I'm the best of the best. No one can beat me, right Akaashi?" he bragged. He glanced at his friend, who was trying to drink water in peace.

"Sure. Without you, it could've been way more difficult," Akaashi agreed. "But I think you should give the team credit."

Bokuto grinned happily.

He turned around to where Hinata standing. The ball of sunshine was smiling, talking to Kageyama. "Did you hear that, my number one pupil? The trick to being Ace is to be undefeatable."

Hinata tilted his head to look at him. The way his expression was- A radiant glow that could probably cheer anyone up, eyes shining with curiosity and happiness, and adorable features. It made Kenma's heart pound uncontrollably. He looked away quickly, trying not to lose himself in the light. What in the world was wrong with him?

Kenma was surprised no one was stunned by this. Or was he the only one who noticed it?

I'm really tired. I need to sit down. He took a deep breath and got himself together. Everyone's words was really getting to him. Maybe he should skip school tomorrow.

Lev gave him a concerned look. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine."

He didn't pester Kenma any further, but by the way he looked at him, it was obvious Lev didn't believe him. "That match was great, Kenma! I still wish I could've played against you." Kenma choked back a startled gasp when Hinata's voice chirped from next to him. He glanced at the tangerine.

"Maybe next time," he murmured.

Hinata smiled. "I hope so."

Nononononononononono. Kenma inhaled, and covered his face, trying to hide a forming blush. Dammit.

"What's wrong?"

"My hair is just bothering me," Kenma answered, which wasn't exactly a lie. "I sometimes tie it up after a match so it doesn't cling to my forehead. I forgot my hairbow though."

Silence answered him. Kenma peeked up to see that Hinata was gone. He straightened himself, and slapped his cheeks. "Calm down, you dummy. You seriously need to rest," he scolded himself.

Bokuto was still talking to Akaashi, and it looked like Lev had disappeared. Kageyama was looking at his phone. No sign of where Hinata could've gone. Kenma looked around for Kuroo. He needed to tell him he wasn't going to school tomorrow. He planned on sleeping and playing games all day.


Hands pulled his hair back suddenly. He stiffened when someone pressed against his back. "Sorry. I'm short, and one of my legs is injured, so I have to use you," Hinata murmured. He sounded weirdly concentrated. "Yachi had an extra hairbow."

Kenma had five words. GOD HELP ME PLEASE NOW.

Hinata was actually gentle. He was careful not to pull his hair, or tangle it. Kenma relaxed. "There we go." Hinata backed up and it felt like a lump of warmth had disappeared. Kenma touched his head to find his hair tied into a ponytail, not to loose, but not to tight.

"Perfect. Thanks," he murmured. Kenma turned around and smiled.

"Oh, it was- I- Sorry, I meant you're welcome."

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