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Hinata literally could not walk. He was slightly irritated that he needed Kenma to help him, and also grateful that Kenma had came because- well, he couldn't walk. The team was probably going to panic. Despite what Kageyama said, Hinata knew he wasn't useless to the team at all. Sometimes the setter needed to get his head out of his-


Kageyama's shout could've broke Hinata's ears. He sighed. Speak of the devil. Everyone was looking at him, and he felt his face heat up. It was embarrassing! It would've been better if they were staring at him because he was amazing, not because he was injured.

"Shouldn't you know? You guys were practicing with him. Did you guys just leave him?" Kenma snapped. Even Hinata was surprised how much bitterness was in his voice. He glared codly at Kageyama.

Sugawara ran up to Hinata and began circling him. "You hurt your leg?" he guessed.

Hinata nodded.

Kageyama narrowed his eyes. "What were you doing? Falling down over and over again? What if we don't win the match? It's easier to win with you," he muttered angrily.

Angry Kageyama was scary, yes. But he was starting to get on Hinata's nerves. "Well excuse me. I was practicing jump serves. If you didn't want me to practice, you should've told me to leave when you guys left. I would've listened," he snapped. "I thought I was worthless without you, so what's the point of having a worthless teammate anyway?"

"Who dare call you worthless?" Sugawara growled. "I'll kill them-"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, MY TOP PUPIL. YOU'RE HURT!" Bokuto gasped. Hinata thought he imagined tears in his eyes, then realized there were actually tears.

Coach Ukai walked through the crowd of shocked teammates. He narrowed his eyes. "How in the world did you injure yourself? Last time I checked, you were fine yesterday."

Hinata frowned. "I was practicing and I guess I kept fell to much."

The coach let out an irritated huff, and facepalmed. "Over-practicing. Why am I not surprised. I keep telling you guys to take a break before you hurt yourself. Now look at you," he grumbled. "You won't be able to play in the practice matches."

Hinata wobbled slightly and he felt Kenmas grip tighten. "You need to sit down?" he asked.

Salty, and tired, Hinata let Kenma lead him to a bench. He slid onto it and groaned. "But I want to play in the match," he whined.

Daichi shook his head. "Should've thought about that before YOU DISOBEYED ME. I TOLD YOU NOT TO STAY OUT LATE PRACTICING!" he yelled.

Takeda kneeled down. "You can still do stuff. Like cheer the team on or... help Kiyoko and Yachi with stuff?" He glanced at them and Kiyoko flashed him a thumbs up. "But you have to rest or your knee could get worse."

Hinata wanted to be on court. He wanted to feel the ball in his hand. He wanted to fly. But this stupid injury was being stupid! He growled under his breath. "You know, if it makes you feel that bad, I won't play either."  Hinata's head jerked up at Kenma's sudden suggestion.

Nekoma's setter shrugged. "Why not?" he said.

"That's nice of you, but you can't do that," Coach Yasufumi spoke up. "Are you trying to find an excuse to not play again?"

Kenma's expression showed he was half right. Kuroo, who Hinata hadn't noticed was there, laughed. He whispered something to his friend. Kenma's face went red and he snarled something back.

"Well, lets get started. Someone grab onto Hinata," Coach Ukai said, grinning evilly. Clearly Karasuno's malicious intentions were still there.

Kageyama offered to help Hinata, but the tangerine glared at him. "I don't need your help, Bakayama. Sugawara is my favorite setter for now on," he declined. Sugawara gave smiled a motherly victory smile.

"Darn it, I was looking forward to watching you play," Bokuto complained while Sugawara helped the limping tangerine.

"So was I," Kenma muttered. "Now it's going to be as boring like any other match."

Hinata flashed them a smile. "Thanks."

Kenma returned a smile more hesitantly, while Bokuto ruffled his hair. "Anything for my number one pupil!" he said happily.

"You know it's bad to root for other players that aren't on your team," Tsukishima called, smirking.

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