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Snow crunched over the two boys footsteps as they headed toward the arcade. Hinata was super excited. This was his first time at an arcade, and going there with his best friend made it even better.

Kenma was pulling him. Every now and then he would glance backward, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"What?" Hinata asked.

"I'm just making sure you're not trying to doing anything stupid," Kenma muttered.

Hinata pretended to be offended. He doesn't do stupid things! He was just curious and got bored easily. "How can I do anything with you holding my hand? You're literally dragging me like I'm three," he said.

The comment seemed to caught Kenma by surprise. He jerked his hand away, nearly falling backwards. Then he started muttering to himself, covering his face with his hair. "Sorry..."

Hinata tilted his head. "I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. It's actually relaxing," he chirped, rubbing his hands together. He smiled. "I forgot my gloves so you were keeping my palms warm."

"Omygod-" Kenma blurted out. He shook his head, and took a deep breath. He looked slightly awkward when he glanced back at his friend. "T-Thanks?"

"No problem!"

They continued walking, and finally Kenma said they'd arrived. The two entered a small building. Hinata's eyes widened in awe. Arcade games were everywhere! Lights flashed brightly, noises from games filled the room, and people crowded around. The smell of food was even there.

"Woah! It's all Hazah! and Waah! This is so cool," Hinata gushed.

He wanted to try everything. But he contained himself, and followed Kenma. The setter bought them tickets. He turned to Hinata.

"What do you want to try out first?" he asked.

"All of them. Every. Single. One." Kenma coughed, and Hinata wondered if he was trying to hold back a laugh. He brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear, shaking his head.

"We can't play every single game. I'll end up broke, if I had enough money. Why don't I show you my favorite games?" Kenma suggested.


The games Kenma picked out were really fun.  Hinata had to admit, the setter had good taste. Of course, Kenma won almost all of them. The tangerine, on the other hand, had to take at least four tries to win. But! Sometimes he win on his first try. After they spent all their tickets, Hinata bought meat buns.

Hinata finished his food, humming to himself. "You're awesome," he told Kenma.

"No, I'm not. I just play games all the time," his friend replied. He opened the door for them. Hinata frowned at him. "What?"

"Admit you were awesome~"

"But I wasn't-"

Hinata grabbed his shoulders, and leaped onto his back. Kenma stumbled when the tangerine wrapped his legs around him. "Lair," Hinata chirped, resting his chin on his friends shoulder.

"Why are you- Do I- Are you asking for a piggyback ride?" Kenma asked.

"Mhm, because you have to be punished for lying," Hinata said drowsily.

Kenma scoffed. "OR, you're just tired and don't feel like walking. You're super light too."

Hinata flung himself up. "I AM NOT TIRED," he defended himself. Kenma yelped and fell backwards. The both sat on the sidewalk. Hinata's leg ached really bad. He bit his lip, trying not to show any sign of pain.

He was surprised when Kenma leaned toward him, eyes narrowed. He could feel his face warming up. What was he-

"Idiot!" he growled. He got up, grabbing Hinata's hand., and pulling him up. He swung the tangerines arm around his shoulder. "God, why do you always do something dumb? Can't you just rest your energetic butt for once. So tiring."

Hinata laughed, putting most of his weight on Kenma. "Okay, Kageyama~"

"Ew. Don't relate me to that weirdo."

"You're adorable," Hinata giggled. Kenma glared at him.

"Not right now. I will drop you."

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