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"Why can't we go home?" Kenma groaned.

Hinata unwrapped his ice cream, giving his friend a teasing smile. "It hasn't even been that long, and it's still day time," he replied, licking the mango flavored popsicle. He had no idea why he was eating a popsicle in winter.

Kenma made a pouting face. Hinata laughed. "You're so cute!" he teased.


Hinata took a bite out of the popsicle, and closed his eyes. Sooooooo cold. He had been craving ice cream but this wasn't the right choice. Maybe if he melted ice cream and drank it, the drink would warm him up. Ha, he was a genius.

"You're ice cream is gonna freeze," Kenma muttered. He was glaring at his switch now, a tint of pink on his cheeks. He must've been cold.

Sighing, Hinata took another bite. "We can go back to your house. That way it won't murder my mouth," he mumbled, his mouth full.

Kenma stared at him. He smiled brightly. Hinata almost dropped his popsicle. What was he seeing? Kenma barely smiled, unless he was playing video games. Oh god, they needed to get to the house fast, before the setter died. "You look like a hamster."

"I look NOTHING like a hamster!" he protested.

His friend raised an eyebrow. "You're fluffy and small. You're cute. You look cuddly. When you eat, you puff your cheeks out a little. Totally a hamster." Kenma laughed at Hinata's expression. 

Hinata.exe has stopped working.

"WHOA." They both whirled around to see Kuroo (no one should be surprised at this point) and Bokuto staring at them.  Kuroo snickered. "Are you two lovebirds on a date?"

After a deep inhale, Kenma started to reply. "Where the fuck did you two come from?" he asked. Hinata choked on his ice cream and Bokuto spit out his cola. They both coughed.

Kuroo smiled, as if Kenma had never said anything. "We were hanging out. Like friends do."

"So were we. Like friends do," Kenma snapped, his voice bitter.

Bokuto was shaking his cola, sad he spit most of it out. Hinata felt him. No drink deserves such a heartless death. The tension was so thick, a chainsaw could cut it. "Did you know, eating popsicles in winter is good for your health?" Hinata blurted out.

Everyone stared at him like he was a crazy person. He gave them a shy smile.

"What in the world?" Kenma laughed. Kuroo laughed too (ahh, the beautiful rooster laugh) and Bokuto took a long sip of his drink.

Hinata sighed in relief. The atmosphere was much more relaxed now. Out of nowhere, Akaashi showed up. He stopped, panting. "Where the hell did y'all go? You disappeared," he gasped.

"I saw Chibi-Chan and thought I'd say hi," Kuroo explained.

Akaashi took a loud gasp of air, before straightening up. "How did you see the tiny guy from the mall?"

"I'm magical."

Kenma gave him a suspicious look. Hinata knew what he was thinking. The mall was at least a few blocks from them. Had Kuroo been following them ever since they left the cafe? Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's drink and took a sip. No. Akaashi wasn't the type to spy on people. Bokuto would scream from...something, who knows.

"Can we go?" Bokuto whined, still holding the cup for his friend. "I really wanted to get a new shirt."

Kuroo glanced at him, frowned, and nodded. "I'll visit you later, Kyanma. Tell me how your date went~"

"I will be planning the best ways to kill you and not get caught," the setter muttered. He turned around and began walking, his pace faster. Hinata waved before following his friend. All three of them waved back. Kenma was grumbling to himself. "Why is he everywhere? It's like he's secretly a spy."

Hinata giggled. "Maybe he is."

"I'll get him fired."

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