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After hitting and missing a couple receives, Hinata's leg started to feel worse. He eventually had to sit down. Kenma gave Kageyama a couple more balls, glad that he didn't have to do anything. Finally the group decided it was enough.

Kenma sat next to Hinata. The carrothead glanced at him. "You've grown better at receiving," Kenma complimented.

Hinata's eyes widened and a large smile spread on his face. "You really think so?"

"Of course!" Tanaka exclaimed, slapping the smaller boy on the back. Hinata coughed. "It won't be long until you'll be flying high again."

The middle blocker beamed. Kenma knew these compliments meant a lot to Hinata. He felt slightly happy that his friend was shining. "Are you staying at Kenma's place again?" he asked. The Nekoma setter could see Nishinoya and Tanaka give knowing smirks.

"Nah," Hinata said, which surprisingly disappointed Kenma. "Daichi would be at my throat, Suga will break his door down, and I'll never hear the end of it by everyone else."

Nishinoya opened his mouth, raising his pointer finger, and paused. "Oh... You're probably right," he sighed.

Kenma also had to agree with him. He wouldn't be surprised if "everyone else" was actually Kuroo and Bokuto. The two didn't know how to mind their business. Sometime Kenma just wanted to... arrrrrrghhhhhh.

Kageyama yawned. "It's late. We should head back to the inn." He grabbed Hinata by the collar, and began to drag him. The tangerine yelled angrily. Tanaka laughed as he followed, Nishinoya behind him.

Oh...Did they forget I'm here?

"Let me go!" Hinata whined. Kageyama released him, scoffing. Hinata got to his feet, glaring at his friend. Then he tilted his head, staring at Kenma curiously. "Coming?"

The setter had never grabbed his switch so fast. Well, he did, but never to cover his face. Was it the face? The action? Whatever it was, it made his heart race."Sure," Kenma muttered quietly, getting to his feet. He pulled his backpack over his shoulders and walked slowly to the four.

Everyone walked out of the gym into the cold winter chill. It was so silent that they could hear their own footsteps crunch against the snow. Flakes fell peacefully. 

Peaceful was the last thing Kenma felt.

His mind was buzzing with confusion. One part was yelling furiously at an imaginary Kuroo. Ahead of him, Kageyama was yelling at Hinata. The tangerine stuck his tongue out.

Should I start avoiding him?  Kenma strongly disapproved with the idea. How could anyone avoid someone so bright anyway?

Kenma sighed. This was hard to deal with. No wonder he barely hung around society. He'd been doing it for so long he almost forgot why. But that was the problem. This ball of sunshine was part of the reason he still hung around.

Annoying people. One person that annoys my brain. Ugh.

Tanaka laughing evilly brought the setter back to reality (the one thing he hated). What were they talking about?


Hinata was giggling loudly. Tanaka crossed his arms. "It was just a question," he said. "Why are you so afraid to answer it?"

"I'm not afraid! I'm shorter of him because- because I'm cooler. And hotter!" the libero shot back.

"You may be hotter, but Hinata's cuter. Don't you agree-" Tanaka turned his head, a grin planted on his face. "Kenma?"

The question took the setter by surprise. How was he supposed to react, let alone answer? "I guess?"

"THAT WAS A YES!" Tanaka shouted to the sky.

Hinata smiled. "Thanks!" he said. Quickly he was distracted by something Nishinoya said.

Oh. I get it. Kenma closed his eyes, brushing his hair behind his ear. He felt strangely calm now. I really do love him.

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