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After Hinata found an outfit, and they ate breakfast, the two were walking quickly toward the school. Again, Kenma reminded Hinata he could just stay since he didn't go to Nekoma High School. The fluffy headed boy declined. He wanted to tell his team that he could walk. He didn't even bother to bring the crutches, since he could walk without a problem, except a bad limp.

Yes, he did stumble every now and then. Kenma was always there to catch him.

"Thank goodness we woke up later than usual," Nekoma's setter sighed in relief. Hinata gave him a confused glance. "We don't have to deal with Kuroo."

Hinata let out an adorable "oooooooooh" and smiled. "I thought you meant you were happy you were late to practice."

"I'm happy about that too, but Kuroo not being here takes the cake."

Hinata gave him a curious look. "Are you and Kuroo really friends?" he asked. Kenma looked surprised by the sudden question. Quickly Hinata tried to explain himself. "I mean- You complain about him alot and- Uhm- I was just wondering?"

Kenma didn't look offended, thankfully. He shrugged. "Yes, we're friends. He's just annoying and loud sometimes. I guess you could call it a love-hate friendship," he answered.

Love-hate huh? "Like me and Kageyama!" 

"You and Kage-" Kenma raised an eyebrow.

Hinata nodded eagerly. "I hate him so much, but at the same time he's one of my best friends. Without him I don't know where I'd be right now," he chirped. His eyes glowed when he talked about the setter. "We need each other. I need his awesome tosses and he needs me to hit those tosses. I'm the reason he isn't such a stuck-up idiot anymore." Hinata beamed.

Kenma muttered something under his breath. Hinata couldn't hear him, but it was obvious it was directed to him. He stared at his friend. Kenma shook his head. "Nevermind."

"Wait, what'd you say?" Hinata asked, curiosity eating at him. Kenma turned his attention back to his switch, which was paused. Tell me, you stubborn pudding-head. Hinata reached out and grabbed his friends jacket.

Surprised, Kenma looked at him. "What?" Nekoma's setter asked, puzzled. Hinata sighed and let go.



Sugawara hugged Hinata tightly. His voice shook, with both emotion and pride. "I'm so happy! You're able to walk now!" he gushed.

Hinata was tapping the third years shoulder. "I can't....breathe," he croaked. This was another reason he hated being small. Larger people were smothering. Sugawara got the message and let him go. He was smiling gleefully.

"Can you jump?" he asked.

Kageyama was tossing a ball up and down. However, it was obvious more of his attention was focused on Hinata's condition. He dropped the ball, hitting Nishinoya on the head, who screeched furiously. Kageyama turned around. Nishinoya was on top of him before he could begin running, his laugh sinister.

Hinata grinned. "Kinda," he answered. "But I can't run."

Tanaka wrapped his arms around Hinata's neck from behind, and leaned against him. "Shame. That means you still can't play."

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU I AM NOT A RESTING POST?" Hinata snarled. Tanaka laughed wickedly.

"Boke!" Kageyama called, pulling off the energetic Nishinoya. Hinata turned his attention to the setter. "Do you want to practice receives?"

Hinata gasped. "I can do that now, can't I? Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes please!" he cheered excitedly.

Kageyama smiled at him. Nishinoya ran, and leaped at Hinata. The tangerine dodged, but it had no effect. Nishinoya just grabbed his arm and easily climbed onto his back. The libero was probably the most flexible boy to ever exist. "I'll help!" Nishinoya offered.

"What about you, Kenma?" Sugawara asked. The setter looked up from his switch. He looked bored.

Kenma shook his head. "I'm good."

"Awww, come on~" Hinata urged. "You can toss to Tanaka or someone else."

Kenma met his gaze. His almond colored eyes glimmered for a second. "I'll do it if...," he began. He paused.

"If what?" Hinata asked.

"When your leg fully heals, you have to let me be the first one to toss to you."

Kageyama slammed his fist against a the gym wall. "WHAT?!" he shouted to the top of his lungs. Even Nishinoya, who still rested on top of Hinata, was speechless. "THAT IS AN OBVIOUS NO."

Kenma sticked his tongue out at the angry teenager. Hinata laughed. Everyone turned to look at him. The slightly pink cheeked tangerine wiped his eyes. "Sorry, sorry. It's a deal," Hinata said.

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