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Warnings and Disclaimers:

Warning: This book contains swearing/mature language and graphic descriptions of violence in later chapters. Reader discretion is advised.

Disclaimer: All characters in this story, especially the main one, are flawed and while this is their story, it's not necessarily their redemption arc. Because in my World not every hero wins and not every villain can be saved. The World is grey, nothing is simple. And I welcome your opinions, thoughts and theories as long as you keep it respectful.


This story is my original content and it may not be translated or copied/posted elsewhere without my permission. All rights reserved.

As this is my first story, I would really appreciate as much feedback as possible, assuming anyone ever finds this thing anywhere. I was tired of the usual werewolf stories where the girl meets her mate in the first chapter and there is this whole "he is strong, menacing and powerful and she is this innocent grey mouse that needs to be protected at all costs" storyline, because at this point, there are just so many of them. And I'm saying this despite the fact that I have read and loved many well written stories like that. But if you, like me, enjoy the genre and would try to read something a little different, please consider giving this story a shot. Thank you.

Update 29.September 2021: If you've read this book before today, you have known it under a different name - Northern Lights. This has now been changed as "Northern Lights" is the name of the whole series, which will make a trilogy. This book is called "Children of Night and Snow" and will be followed by two others. There is also slight editing at works, where one of the characters we met in early chapters will be renamed.


When we are teenagers, we often get carried away by the stories we read. The ones where the right guy comes along and sweeps us off our feet the moment we come off age. He is the hottest and most desirable bad boy in school and of course there is always the antagonist, the mean girl who does everything she can to ruin our happiness and for a while it almost feels like she would, but then we realize that the boy of our dreams only has eyes for us and that he is willing to do anything, including completely changing his persona, to be with us. It's the ultimate happily ever after and it's the same for humans and inhumans alike.

In our werewolf stories, that guy always happens to be our mate, he is the alpha, the future leader of the pack. And we see ourselves in the girl, who is a seemingly ordinary, weak grey mouse who needs to be protected at all costs, but now she is a mate to this important but immature guy and set to be his luna, the female counterpart of the leading couple, all despite not having any leadership skills whatsoever. And we consume these stories dreaming that one day this would be us, because if the main character is so ordinary, so powerless, a nobody, it means it could be us too. And we want to be her so much, that we overlook all the problematic and unrealistic parts of that story and still hope to manifest it in real life somehow.

But the truth isn't always perfect. Sometimes in real life the alpha bad boy is actually just a possessive, cheating and abusive jerk who isn't gonna change for anyone, let alone us. Some of us are not the perfect, ordinary and powerless girls who only get noticed when said bad boy falls in love with them and instead, we are the mean girls in someone else's fairytale. Sometimes the love of our lives takes a little while to find us and before they do, we need to grow up into our own badass selves first. Because life isn't always easy. And that's okay. I just wish someone told me that when my story began. Maybe I would have been more prepared for what was to come...

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