51. The Beginning Of A Journey

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The snow storm indeed hid any trace of us. It also slowed us down by at least eight hours which was a downside we had to accept. Thankfully we packed with this possibility in mind. Snow storms were all too common in the area after all, especially in winter months. Still, catching one so early into our journey was an inconvenience at best. How many more would we face on the road ahead? Would the delays be too much and could we run out of food? It was hard not to think about as we set on the next leg of our journey. We had to make it to the mountain pass today even if we were going to cross tomorrow. Any more delays could prove a problem. This meant another eight hours straight of running.

By the time we reached our camp for the night, all of us faced various stages of exhaustion. While I could barely walk, twins seemed to be in by far the best condition. I tried not to show my weakness since Nolan's words about not being good enough to make it still rang in my head. Somehow, I felt like showing I was already on the edge was only going to prove his point and I didn't want to risk everyone else siding with him and sending me back South. I may have stood up for myself back there in Duskfall ruins, but that hardly meant I had the guts to stand up to all of them if they shared the sentiment. And I also wasn't sure I could face that decision again no matter how much I felt it was the right one. South was still my childhood home, there were still people I would miss for the rest of my life. Giving it up was still one of the toughest decisions I've ever made.

"Freya, eat and go to sleep immediately. You can't take the journey tomorrow if you are in a shape like this," Devan sat next to me and handed me a piece of bread and meat. He was looking at me with concern, a rare showcase of emotion. So much for trying to hide.

"I'm fine," I gave him a sleepy smile, but I could tell he didn't buy it. 

"You're not. There is no shame in that. Sleep through the night, rest, there are still seven of us to take the watch," he said.

"I can-" I was about to protest when another voice cut me off.

"You can tonight, but that doesn't mean you should. You need sleep to regain as much strength as possible because tomorrow you need to be able to make the journey with us. If you collapse on the way, we will be forced to leave you behind or risk death of the whole group. The most common cause of death out there for us wolves is overestimating our abilities and skills. That's what you are trying to do now. Stop," Aaron ordered me and I immediately looked down, ashamed.

"I just hate being a burden," I admitted silently, knowing full well they all heard me, but also that they realized my words were a private confession to the man next to me, whom I was now leaning against for support

"You're not. As long as you're responsible, you will be fine. The moment you start acting childish and pretend like you're fine when you aren't, that's when you become a burden," Devan replied, putting his arm around my shoulders and letting me rest against him.

"Okay," I whispered back, trying to focus on my dinner and not at Nolan's intense stare. He was upset with me, but I couldn't tell if it was because he felt like I proved him right or because of the cold shoulder I have been giving him ever since he tried to force me to go back to Moonvalley. Either way I wasn't ready to discuss it with him. We had more important things ahead of us. Like getting safely to Midnight City.

"Devan? How come Aaron knows so much about all this?" I asked while trying to stay awake just a little longer to finish my food. 

"About what exactly?" Devan asked. He didn't really show it, but I could tell he was slightly amused for some reason. He was a hard man to read, but after everything we've been together, I probably trusted him the most. He pulled me out of the tunnels, trained me, brought out the wolf in me. Especially the last thing was something that felt bounding. It was his counsel I sought. His advice I'd always listen to when torn. He was truly a brother to me. A big brother I never had.

"Everything. Which way to travel to Midnight City and stuff," I said.

"I'm sitting right here, you know?" Aaron raised his eyebrow at me from across the firepit. There was a smirk on his lips. He clearly found it funny. And so did Devan because I could hear him chuckle.

"That's because twins are from Midnight City," Devan answered my question.

"Oh," was all I could muster in response, which seemed to humor both Aaron and Az, who was now handing me his flask with water, making me realize I was thirstier than I thought.

"Go on, ask away," Az told me once I took a few sips and returned the bottle to him. 

"How?" I had so many questions, but ultimately that one word was all I needed to sum them all up. I looked at the two of them. If it weren't for their scars, tattoos and that grey eye Az had, they would be identical. I remembered watching the train in our little basement gym back in Duskfall, thinking how they were so good at it. And then when I went out with Az on that fateful day and how fast and strong he was. Powerful. So, so powerful. Were they part of the army? Was that why Az was so confident I'd make it if he trains me?

"We were born there. But let's just say we weren't the best sons our dad would have liked us to be. So he kind of sent us out there to grow up and get our shit together as he would put it," Aaron shrugged like it was a normal thing to do.

"So, he just sent you to die out here?" I asked, unsure of what to think.

"I said grow up, not die. We were taught how to survive this stuff. The man isn't exactly father of the year, but I doubt he'd want us dead," laughed Aaron.

"Don't overthink it, Freya. You need sleep," Az offered me a small smile when he noticed my confusion. He was right, I needed sleep. A lot of it. So I simply nodded and closed my eyes, still comfortable in Devan's arms. If he was uncomfortable, he didn't say anything and he didn't push me away either which I was grateful for. I needed the comfort and the warmth, but without the inevitable questions and tension which would come if it was Nolan. Right now all I needed was a friend I could lean on. And together with the sound of burning flames, the quiet whispers of my friends around me and that now familiar yet still mysterious scent, I drifted off to much needed sleep.


You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for 1k reads! I hope all of you reading this are enjoying the story so far and as promised, here is an extra early chapter as our group carries on their journey North. I am also adding a map, which I've made recently to help you see what the World looks like and what routes Freya took. White dots are her journey from Moonvalley to Duskfall, red dots are the group travelling from Duskfall to Midnight City.

 White dots are her journey from Moonvalley to Duskfall, red dots are the group travelling from Duskfall to Midnight City

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