20. Nuptial night

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Aadya's POV

Flashback continued

I took a shower and draped the saree given by attayya (mil).

Pandit came and performed some pooja. It was 9:30 pm. Hubby was asked to go to his room. Soon I was given a glass of milk. I was taken upstairs to his room by attayya  (mil) and some other ladies. They pushed me into the room and closed the door. Giggles were audible.

I locked the door from inside and looked at the room. It was the first time I entered his room. His room was quite big and spacious with a king sized bed, a nightstand next to the bed, couch opposite to the bed, a blue carpet, a gaint walk in closet and an attached bathroom. Amazing would be an understatement.

The room especially the bed was decorated with roses and jasmine flowers. Sweets and fruits were placed on the nightstand. Agarbatti was lightened. It looked like the typical nuptial night room which they show in movies.

I felt shy to look at him. He slowly approached me and took the glass from my hands. He gulped the milk and threw the glass away. Still I didn't look at him. He looked like a giant and I like a rat.

Suddenly I felt hands on my waist. Yes it was him. He pulled me closer. My breath hitched. His fingers made way to my bare waist through the saree bringing chills to my spine. He leaned a little and planted a kiss on my neck clutching my bare waist with both his hands. I gasped and closed my eyes.

He came to my ear and whispered "this is what you wanted...right??"  

I opened my eyes and looked at him in confusion.

"What??" I asked.

"Marry a billionaire, sleep with him and enjoy his money" he uttered.

I was startled by his words. Before I could speak anything he pushed me away from him.

Tears formed in my eyes. "What made you think like that?" I asked.

"Well. This is the bitter truth of girls like you" he uttered.

What?? Girls like me?? What did he mean??

"What do you mean?" I asked in disbelief.

He clutched my arms piercing his nails into my skin and said "You and Rohit loved each other right..You ditched him to marry me. Wait.. you know that the alliance was fixed by our parents very before right. That's the reason why you approached my home to check how grand it is on that day" he gritted his teeth. Blood started oozing out from my arms.

"That’s not the truth" I uttered with most difficulty. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh.. it's not the truth. Okay then...I will ask you some questions. Simply answer yes or no" he said.

"Didn't Rohit propose you in my office?" he asked.

I nodded indicating 'yes'.

"Didn't he send gifts, messages?" he asked.

"But...." I was about to speak but he interrupted and roared "Just say yes or no"

I nodded indicating 'yes'

"Didn't you come here... my home on that day when we were supposed to catch flight to Bengaluru?" he asked.

I nodded indicating 'yes'.

"Didn't you lie that you were on the way to airport?" he asked.

I nodded.

He pushed me away and said "That’s it. It is clear that you married me for my money"

I shook my head. "I didn't marry you for your money Omkar" I said.

"Omkar.. What made you call me with my name? Call me Sir. You are my P.A. Just P.A. Nothing more than that" he gritted his teeth.

I couldn't speak anything.

"You know what.. A hooker is better than you. A hooker sells herself for money but you.. you make a person fall for you, play with their feelings, sleep with them, get advantages and ditch them at the end." he roared.

I couldn't believe his words. I fell on my knees and broke down.

He came near me, bent down and said "Oh.. a whore knows how to cry" he chuckled.

He clutched my jaw tightly and said "Don't even dare... you can cheat anyone with your tears but not me" . He pushed me and went to bed and sat.

I looked at him.

"What?? Don't try to sleep on this bed.. not even on that couch. I don't want to see your omnious face early morning when I wake up. Sleep on the couch in the closet" he uttered.

I slowly got up and went into the closet. I seated on the couch and kept sobbing. He swiftly entered the closet and said "Now don't disturb my sleep with your sobs". He slammed the door and went away.

I laid on the couch and closed my mouth with both the palms and kept sobbing. I don't know when I dozed off to sleep.

Infront of the family we kept acting like a normal and happy couple. Though I call him with his name infront of his family I address him 'Sir' when alone.

Days and even months passed. We never had any personal talks. All we had were professional conversations.

End of flashback. .

"Sir. We arrived" said the driver soon when we reached home.

I wiped my tears and went to the room without bothering about anything.


How many of you expected this twist?? I think many of you. Common plot right...

Sad to see Aadya's condition. I know you started hating Omkar after reading this chapter.

Comment and let me know your opinions.

More chapters ahead. Will update the next chapter soon.


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