64. Agony

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Omkar's POV

I turned the page and looked at the scattered words.

Jan 08, 20XX.

Hello diary.

This monster..I don't know how my future will be..I don't know if I will divorce him in future and leave but for now he's showing me enough hell. He is even increasing the work load on me.

I hope he will get to know the truth soon and realises his mistake. That is the only thing I can hope.

This couch which I am sleeping on now... it's not at all comfortable. My sleep gets interrupted again and again. He didn't even spare me a pillow. My neck pains like hell when I wake up in the morning. This is the everyday issue. I need to apply balm every morning soon when I wake up.

I felt the aching sensation in my heart reading it. I wonder why I behaved that cruelly with her.

Jan 09, 20XX.

Hello diary.

I don't want to face him. I don't want him around. I don't.. He is getting worse day by day.

I wish everything is a lie. His words are literally killing me.

I turned the page.

Jan 10, 20XX.

Pray for me dear diary. Plz do pray for me. The terminology which he is using is literally ripping me apart. Plz do pray that the monster should get to know the truth soon. I am unable to speak as he isn't allowing me to put my views. It really won't matter even if he lets me speak as he won't believe my words.

True.... She tried umpteen times to explain me but never did I give her a chance to speak.

The only thing which I find peaceful is conversing with the family especially with Khushi. I like speaking to her. That's the only thing I do heartfully in a day.

Jan 11, 20XX.

Amma and nanna made a phone call today. They wanted me and the monster to visit home day after tomorrow as it is our first Makara sankranti after our marriage. This is a ritual.

I had to literally withhold my tears while conversing with them through the phone. I wanted to disclose everything to them but I don't know what stopped me from doing so.

I gulped the lump formed in my throat and turned the page.

Jan 12, 20XX.

We packed a few clothes in our respective bags as we need to visit my home. Though I badly wanted to see my parents I don't want to go along with this monster. I don't know how he will behave with my parents. What if he accuse them too? I won't be able to tolerate if he disrespect them.

I don't know where he learnt the terminology from. He calls me with names. I don't know where am I getting the patience from.

Jan 13, 20XX.

Hello diary.

We came home today. I am glad that the monster didn't misbehave with my parents. He conversed with them like a normal son-in-law.

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