Finding Betsy - Chapter 6

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 It wasn't as if he was going to war, yet Nick's stomach twisted uncomfortably. Sleepover.  It might not be a real battle, but it sure felt like one. It was worse than the school run. 

As soon as he had agreed the date for Delilah's first ever sleepover, time had found a way to disappear. Though unlike the old adage, he was not having fun. Nick had long ago accepted that he liked things to be his way. Yet, even in this unknown situation, he knew with certainty that nothing about the evening was going to go his way. His control in the business setting did not translate to play dates and his body knew it. His hands were unusually clammy and his veins thrummed with anxious energy. Hell, even his stomach churned uncomfortably.

Out of control. Off balance. Nick hadn't felt this far from himself in months. Not since he was sat in the hospital waiting room with Betsy's sister, Claire.

Nick swallowed. He drew in a deep breath. 

It was a feeling he could happily live without experiencing again.

Stepping to the side, Delilah and her friend's tore past him and deeper into the house, excited squeals echoing in their wake, Nick fought to regain his usual calm. He closed the front door and breathed deeply. They were just children. Just little girls. Loud and overly excited girls whose voices had only increased in octave the closer they had gotten to home.

But still, they were just children.

How difficult could it be?

Tommy stood at his side, a frown between his brows as he stared after his sister. Chuckling, Nick ruffled his son's hair. The expression said more than enough.

"I know, buddy. Don't worry, it's only for one night." Nick murmured, ruffling his son's hair with a chuckle. "Come on, let's get to the kitchen before the girls do or there will be no pizza left for us."

"Pizza?" Tommy shouted with an exaggerated gasp, tearing himself away from Nick's side. Then he was rushing towards the kitchen as fast as his little legs would carry him, head down and arms wind milling at his sides as if it would make him go faster.

Dropping the children's school bags onto the floor, Nick lifted a hand and rubbed tiredly at his chin. His eyes drifted briefly the stairs leading up to the second floor but then he gave a swift shake of his head. It wouldn't hurt to sign off a few hours early. Besides, something smelled far too good to miss.

Nick smiled widely when he finally arrived in his kitchen. The girls were already at the island in the center of the room, their hands toying with the balls of dough already waiting for them. Tommy grinned as he attempted to join them. However, he was swiftly intercepted by a white haired woman with a deeply lined face. 

 Despite the youthful sparkle in her eyes, Nick noted that his aging housekeeper moved more awkwardly with each month that passed. And yet, every time he spoke to her about retirement, she'd just rap him on the back of his head with a tea towel. Then, she'd give him a look which had him regressing back into an awkward teenager. 

Even Tommy wasn't immune to her gentle authority. 

Mrs Reed swept in and tapped the small boy gently on the nose. "Now, what do we do before we cook, Mr Davenport?"

Bowing his head, Tommy bashfully dug his toe into the ground before looking up at Mrs Reed through his dark fringe. "We wash our hands."

"Exactly right. Hop to it, those pizzas won't cook themselves."

With a hasty nod, Tommy hurried over to the sink. Despite the growth in the past year, he was still too short to reach the sink without assistance. He glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes pleading. Wordlessly, Nick followed earning himself a toothy smile as Nick bent and lifted him with one arm and then use his free hand to switch on the water.

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