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Thirteen long months. That's how long it had taken to go through all of the red tape and paperwork even though Nick knew it could have been completed in half of that time. Apparently it was unethical to use his connections to push through the proceedings. He sighed.

He could have lived with a slight stain on his ledger if it meant their family was settled. Yet, he couldn't betray her on this. That was a stain he couldn't live with. Instead, Betsy and Nick had spent months being grilled - their lives being cross examined by some man in a poorly tailored suit. Apparently this was the standard protocol during an adoption. Nick was sure the man was just making an example out of him - trying to impress Nick with his small insignificant speck of power.

It didn't work.

Nick now had the man on his eternal shit list and it was unlikely to change. He definitely hadn't received an invite to the party.

And yet, he couldn't be angry about it.

This was it. This was it had all been for.

Sliding up behind Betsy, Nick wrapped his arms around her waist. As her perfume tickled his nose, he pressed a kiss to her neck, enjoying the giggle that escaped her lips.

"Nick! We have guests." Betsy chastised, even as her hands contradicted her, holding him close even as her words urged him to move away.

"They all know us by now. They know what to expect." Nick replied, pulling her close so that her back pulled firmly to his chest. "Besides, I'm allowed to hold my wife."

She sighed, melting into his hold. "Maybe so. Just don't start anything we can't finish. I know you."

Nick snorted. "We have a room full of babysitters. We could more than finish anything I start." He paused before adding, "We could you know. They wouldn't even notice if we disappeared."

"Nick! Pack it in. If you behave, we can finish this tonight when we have more than five minutes."


They fell into a comfortable silence as the chatter of over a dozen Giannopoulos men and women drowned out the music. Every direction they looked, friends and family were there to remind them that they were loved, supported, and they shared in the joy of this moment.

Betsy sniffled in his arms.

Nick's arms flexed as he pressed a kiss to the back of her head. "Is everything okay?"

"I just never thought I would have this. I never thought I could be this happy." Betsy said lowly, her voice cracking in the process. "I have you. The kids. My family. A job I love even if I do spend more time in front of the camera than I would prefer. I have found a support network. I've found an incredible network of people. A hobby I love. I feel like I've found myself - the person I was meant to be."

"And I think that person is incredible. Flaws and all."

"Flaws?" Betsy teased, "I am not sure I understand your meaning."

Nick sighed as if extremely put upon, "You love our children so much, I'm no longer their favourite. However, that is your flaw I love the most."

Betsy turned within his arms. Her front pressed to his. She stared up into his face for several long seconds before she lifted on to the balls of her feet. Nick leaned down, meeting her halfway to press their lips together. The touch lingered, Nick's eyes automatically closing as he lost himself in her. She was the only one who could do this - make him forget every part of his control. He wouldn't have it any other way.

When she lowered back down, Nick's lips followed hers, keen to prolong the contact for a long as possible. Slowly, he pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers.

Finding Betsy (Betsy Jones Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now