Finding Betsy - Chapter Two

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The dark clouds, which had been threatening rain all afternoon, finally disappeared from the London skyline by the time Nick closed down his computer. He massaged his temples with a groan. Hours focused on the screen with no break had resulted in a throbbing pain in his head. It was the price he had to pay for his expanding business interests; long hours and far too many tension headaches.

Yet, even his discomfort could do nothing to dampen his mood.

Not long now.

Nick's lips curled up into a smile. His stomach flipped in eager anticipation, as it so often did when he thought about her. He was sure if his ever efficient assistant saw the love struck expression on his face, she might wonder if he had taken up day drinking.

Rubbing a hand down his tired face, Nick tried to force his feelings back down into the little box in his mind. He was used to being in control in both his business and his emotions. Somehow, Betsy Jones had a way of make him forget about any semblance of control. And the best part was she didn't even try. There was nothing forced or contrived about her. She was just — Betsy.

Nick shook his head, ignoring the answering throb. What would his employees think if they knew he could be undone so easily?

In business, he wasn't allowed weaknesses. There would always be someone waiting in the sidelines to take his place. He had seen it time and time again with his competitors. They took their foot off the accelerator of growth and innovation and suddenly they were old news. Irrelevant to the rapidly changing marketplace.

Standing from his chair, Nick unrolled the sleeves of his white shirt back down his arms before grabbing his suit jacket from where it had been hanging from the back of his chair.

"Knock knock." His assistant said in lieu of actually knocking.

He stilled. 

Lifting his eyes slowly, Nick fought the lump of dread at the sight of his stoic assistant. He was so close to going home. Yet the stack of folders and the tablet device nestled within her arms held promise of another night of cancelled plans and endless conference calls.

"Tina, please tell me you have good news for me?" He asked, folding his jacket over his arm as he waited for a response.

He had to give his assistant credit where it was due. Her features were unreadable as she moved further into the room. Dressed head to toe in black, a staple of her wardrobe, she looked every part the professional. Her ebony hair had been smoothed back in the perfect chignon without a strand of hair out of place.  Her dark unreadable eyes met his and held for several long seconds.

Then, her painted lips twitched up at the corners, and with a small laugh she reassured him, "You need to stop worrying so much. Your car is waiting downstairs for you."

"Great, thanks."

She strode past him and opened the cupboard which sat against the wall to reveal the small unassuming safe sitting on the bottom shelf. With practised ease, she entered the code before securing the documents and the tablet inside. 

The safe was a new addition after his security had proved to be woefully inadequate months before. An ex-employee with a grudge had broken into his office and stolen personal information. It had caused a rift with Betsy. It had also evidenced how vulnerable his client's confidential information was. 

Standing once more, Tina turned to face him. She pushed her thick framed glasses up her slender nose before propping a hand on her hip.

"Now, legal have updated the contracts and they're ready for your review. But, before you say it, they can wait until tomorrow." She held up her free hand when he opened his mouth to protest. "No 'buts'. We're ahead of schedule as it is. The PR team have already put out a formal response to the headlines this morning so there is no need to rush. Everything is as it should be."

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